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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 562

Read Chapter 561 – 562 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 561

The man was stunned, and Suzi retracted into the bed again and continued to sleep.

Arron: “What’s wrong with you? Are you feeling sick?”

She turned her back to him, raised her arm with a bruise hickey and hit him on the chest.

He took her arm casually.

That arm seems to be able to pinch water out with a light pinch.

He stooped to get her out of the bed, let her face him, and then seriously asked her: “Is it uncomfortable?”

Suzi shook his head, his face reddened, and suddenly lowered his head and slammed into his chest.

The man smiled: “I’m a woman who has been born before, so I don’t know how to say it!”

She muttered, “I don’t have one!”

“That’s why you sleep late! You don’t usually sleep late!” Arron was afraid she had something to hide from him.

Suzi simply said: “I don’t have a job anymore, what do I do when I get up so early.”

“What does it mean to be out of work?” Arron asked.

Suzi: “I was fired from the company. Even if I didn’t get fired from the company, I would be drowned in saliva even if I was spread on the Internet.”

Suzi wants to have a job more than anyone, go to work, and earn a salary through his own efforts.

She felt it was very stable.

Heart is very calm.

However, in Nancheng, she always does not go well in terms of work.

“You can go to work.” Arron said.

Suzi: “?”

“Why, you don’t want to be a good example for your daughter and let Lilly only see that her mother is an independent woman?” Arron asked.

Suzi: “…”

The feeling of being beaten up was very wronged.

She gave Arron a vain look: “You let you go to the company with your saliva all the way from the time you went out, and then let the company’s people tell me in person that you have been fired, why are you coming back?”

“No one spat you, and no one removes you. You can go to work.” Arron said again.

Suzi: “…”

She suddenly realized something.

He is Arron, the king of Nancheng.

She immediately turned on her cell phone, sat in her arms and turned on the Internet, desperately looking for yesterday’s hot search.

But, except for that’South City King Arron is actually a fear inside. “Besides, there are no other hot searches.

Of course, the official blog of the Fu Group does not count.

She looked up, looked at him incredulously, bit her lip and asked: “Yesterday…what the tabloid reporters reported, all…were all blocked?”

The man said irritably, “Didn’t you say that your husband is Arron, and your husband’s rights shouldn’t be in vain?”

Suzi: “…”

At this moment, it is impossible not to touch my heart.

“Thank you…” Suzi bit his lip and said.

“Why do you thank me?” Arron asked with interest.

Suzi: “…”

At this moment, she was still sitting in his arms, the kind that could see each other thoroughly, mainly because he saw her more thoroughly.

He has a city palace better than her, and she dare not look at him.

The man just stared at her like this, waiting for her way of thanking her.

After a while, Suzi raised his arms to hook his neck, and his red and hot face slowly approached his lips and covered them.

Chapter 562

Her k!ss was still so jerky, covering his lips several times, and she was still at a loss and didn’t know where to put herself.

Even, she will often pause and short-circuit.


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