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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 588

Read Chapter 587 – 588 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 587

Here, Suzi also came to Rayna: “Here you are.”

Rayna: “Thank you, Mrs. Fu.”

“Go up. The eyes are red from crying. After a while, go up and wash your face with this facial cleanser and apply this skin care product. You can touch the tears you have cried.” Suzi said.

She didn’t ask a word about Rayna and her mother’s housework.

Suzi doesn’t gossip.

What does her family dispute have to do with her?

The so-called family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

The three people got on the elevator at the same time, and the elevator doors closed.

Behind him, more than a dozen male and female colleagues appeared quietly.

They came just now, but no one dared to take the elevator with Suzi, so they all hid. This would allow them to see Suzi, Galia and Rayna go up.

“I think Suzi is really good. She has such a powerful husband. She didn’t rely on pets and pride, nor did she use her husband to oppress others.”

“I also think Mrs. Fu is pretty good. A few days ago, I thought she was reticent, but now it seems that she is actually quite cheerful.”

“Moreover, it’s very big. You see, she can forgive even Rayna, and she gave Rayna such high-end skin care products, which is really good.”

“Hey, Ge Meilin, in fact, you don’t need to worry. Look, Rayna treated Suzi the way he did. Suzi forgave Rayna. You just said a little bit of bad things about Rayna. I believe Mrs. Forgot.”

The woman named Ge Meilin nodded with a smile: “I hope she can forgive me, anyway, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

The elevator came again, and a group of people went up together. This morning, the office is busy.

Suzi is also busy and fulfilling.

She hurried out several drawings last night, and as soon as she entered the office, she communicated with several designers in the company.

There were men and women, and she yelled together.

“Let’s take a look together, what good advice do you give me, and you also take out your drawings, so that we can learn from each other’s knowledge points, what do you think?” Suzi looked at My designer colleagues asked one by one.

Even the female colleagues who had squeezed her out, Suzi didn’t care about them.

At the very least, she treats everyone equally at work and is very humbly asking for advice and teaching.

Several female colleagues were very moved.

They suddenly discovered that Suzi was actually right and wrong.

Moreover, as long as you treat her well, she will definitely remember it in her heart.

Female colleagues nodded one after another, willing to discuss together.

At this point, a professional woman with long wavy hair came to the design department with a box of coffee in her hand and shouted in a very high-profile manner: “Designer Shen, what do you think I gave you? Green Mountain Coffee. This is When I went abroad last time, I brought it back from abroad and gave it to you.”

Suzi immediately pinched his nose and screamed without hesitation: “Stay away from me, I don’t drink coffee!”

Ge Meilin: “…”

Ge Meilin was crying, nor was it time to laugh, but she heard the hurried shouts of the front desk behind her.

“Sir, sir, who are you looking for, sir…” As soon as the voice of the small front desk fell, a man in a suit and leather shoes had strode to the office where Suzi was located.

When Suzi turned around, Jing said that it was unfavorable: “You…what are you doing here?”

Chapter 588

As soon as Suzi’s words fell, he heard footsteps coming one after another in the aisle.

Suzi was a little puzzled. He immediately put aside his work and came to the design department. At that end, he saw the vice president who manages the company’s operations, the executive, the business, and all the top executives in the company. Came here in a hurry.


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