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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 606

Read Chapter 605 – 606 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 605

Just like the big sister to the little sister.

This makes Rayna very envious.

I think that when Rayna first entered the company, if she was not fooled by her cousin, she would really think that she was the eldest lady in the company. Actually, the cousin was a kind of flattery to her, but just When you need her, you can step on her as a stepping stone, and then throw it away.

But as for her, she doesn’t know how high the sky is, she doesn’t know how to be embarrassed, and she is domineering in the company all day long.

She was not popular at all, and everyone in the company disgusted her.

Which is like Galia, with a good mentality and a good popularity.

Many people in the office like Galia, and the boss has a good impression of Galia. In this movie, once there is a chance, Galia immediately caught Darius.

Maybe one day, Galia will be like Suzi and become a rich wife in the upper class.

Rayna felt even more inferior at the thought of this.

It takes only three weeks to turn a woman who doesn’t know how to be a woman who is so arrogant and arrogant, into a woman who is inferior and cannot stretch easily.

Fortunately, Rayna’s nature is not bad.

Suzi also noticed that Rayna was uncomfortable. She said, “It’s okay. Galia is going on a date. We two will go to the cafeteria for dinner.”

Rayna immediately said happily: “Well, good Mrs. Fu.”

“Call me Suzi.”

“Suzi.” Rayna smiled.

Suzi also discovered that Rayna, just like himself, is a person who shines brightly with some sunshine. The two said and laughed and went to the cafeteria.

Behind him, Li Na, who had succumbed to Suzi early and poured tea for Suzi, looked at them, and thoughtfully, Suzi and Rayna walked out not far, and Li Na followed.

When entering the elevator, Li Na met Ge Meilin, who had specially come to deliver Green Mountain Coffee to Suzi just now.

The two looked at each other, a little bit dissatisfied with each other.

However, colleagues discovered that they were all trying to please Suzi. Suddenly the two reached a consensus.

“I saw her forgiving Rayna with my own eyes. She can forgive even Rayna like that. I think if we fawn on her a few times and be more diligent, we should be forgiven?” Li Na said to Gemelin .

Ge Meilin sighed: “Nowadays, everyone likes to be very, very complimented by others, and Mrs. Fu is no exception. Since she is looking for face, then we should give her enough face?”

Li Na smiled and said, “Sister Meilin, we really wanted to go together. I think, if we can be forgiven by Mrs. Fu, maybe we can become friends with Mrs. Fu in the future like Rayna.”

The two really got more and more excited.

Ge Meilin said immediately: “Their rich circle, but…”

“Hey! We will really have a chance. When Meilin sister just now, when you were away, Master Jun suddenly grabbed Rayna’s hand and pulled her out. You know, Master Jun was so sick of Rayna before. Ah.” Li Na said to Ge Meilin with a slap on the forehead.

“Really! Then we will…”

The two dreamy women just got off the elevator, came to the cafeteria, raised their eyes and looked around, and in a second they found Suzi and Rayna who had already prepared their food. The two women immediately ran over with joy and came to Suzi and Rayna.

Rayna was so scared that she suddenly didn’t dare to eat. She swallowed a mouthful of rice and looked up at the two of them: “I… did I sit in your usual seat? If I sit, Also…return it to you.”

They did not look at Rayna, but at Suzi, and said in unison and respectfully: “Mrs. Fu, we sincerely apologize to you, and hope to get your forgiveness.”

Say yes, bow deeply.

Suzi immediately covered his mouth and nose: “Stay away from me!”

Chapter 606

Ge Meilin and Lina had nowhere to hide in embarrassment.

The colleagues who were eating next to each other looked at the two women with contempt.

Suzi looked calm.


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