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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 616

Read Chapter 615 – 616 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 615

“Find someone and consign her car to her hometown. Isn’t her hometown a small county? There is a vast area and sparse population. Go back a few days and let her practice with this car.” Arron said.

Christopher kindly reminded Arron: “…Siye, you can also rent a car in that small county.”

“I don’t worry about the safety of the rented car!”

Christopher: “…” Such a car worth seven or eight million yuan, let the wife take it to the small county town to practice hands?

Master, are you sure you are serious?

I really want to remind Masterh, now there are a lot of cars in the small county, now every household has a car, okay Master?

However, Christopher only talked in his heart, he didn’t dare to refute Master again and again.

“Okay Fourth Master, I will do the consignment now.” Christopher said respectfully.

Suzi looked at Arron dumbfounded: “You…”

Is it true?

“What?” Arron asked.

Suzi knew that he couldn’t screw him, so he shook his head: “It’s okay, if I have time to go back to my hometown, I will definitely practice the car well, eh.”

Yu must, and got into the car by himself.

When she was a child, Suzi went to a big company. As soon as she got off the car, she saw Galia and Rayna standing at the door of the company waiting for her.

“What’s the matter? Why don’t you two go in?” Suzi asked.

Both Rayna and Galia looked at Suzi with a little embarrassment.

“What’s the matter?” Suzi blushed suddenly.

She looked up and down with a guilty conscience.

Isn’t it the mark on your neck, or where is it? , Thinking of Arron’s crazy aggressiveness last night, Suzi blushed involuntarily.

In the future, he has to tell him that he must pay attention to the areas above his neck that are easy to be exposed to the outside.

Otherwise, working in the company every day and being seen by the company’s colleagues, it is really shameful!

“Don’t look, you didn’t reveal any marks, it’s me and Rayna.” Galia said to Suzi.

“Huh? What happened to you two?”

Rayna was a little shy: “Um…jun, young man…he actually invited me to…to your Fu’s old house, saying that he was attending you and your husband. Friends and relatives meeting.”

“And I, also received the invitation from President Shu.” Galia raised an eyebrow.

Why are two noble youngsters actually inviting them?

After thinking about it, Suzi suddenly smiled and said, “I know why, I’m old…Arron, he also told me to invite you to my house as a guest. You two are my friends, Lenny It is right for An and Darius to invite you.”

Galia immediately clapped his hands: “I’m going! I heard that the Fu family’s old house is luxurious like an ancient palace. Suzi, I tell you that my cousin is ugly, every time I ask my cousin’Brother, the Fu’s old house is What kind of, you take some photos to let me have a long experience?’ My cousin walked past me with his head up and ignored me!”

“Haha!” Suzi laughed to death.

I feel Christopher should not be that kind of person.

Rayna was a little worried: “I…I want to go too. I wanted to go in my dreams before, but I…we don’t have a dress to wear. I don’t even have a mobile phone. Everyday I live with Galia. You and you both invite me for dinner. The salary will not be sent to me until the middle of next month… Say it.”

Suzi grabbed Rayna: “I…I can lend it to you.”

Rayna shook his head: “Thank you Suzi, but I still don’t want to go, I…I want to go home, as long as my parents can forgive me, I’m still willing to give them my salary. They are kind to my cousin and I can figure it out. After all, my cousin has no parents since she was a child, and now the Shu family no longer raises her, so my parents love her very much.

If my cousin can’t go to such a high-end occasion, and I go, my parents will definitely blame me again.

Besides, for a man like Mr. Jun, I can’t climb high anyway, so I still won’t go. “

Suzi nodded: “Okay, respect your choice.”

Chapter 616


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