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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 672

Read Chapter 671 – 672 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 671

I really don’t know how he supported him at the age of eighty.

In fact, Mr. Shu is in good health. He has been in good health since he was young. This time he was treated in Kyoto. Later, Arron consulted his condition privately, and he was fine.

Everything is for the granddaughter.

At that time, I was afraid that my granddaughter would be punished by Arron in Nancheng, so I insisted on taking my granddaughter to Kyoto to see a doctor in grief.

After Arron bluntly questioned and scared him, Mr. Shu said in a calm tone: “My grandson is in your Fu’s old house. If you want to let him out, why bother to pass by me?”

Arron smiled: “That’s right!”

As soon as he spoke, he immediately told the housekeeper: “Go! Release Young Master Shu immediately!”

The housekeeper nodded and pecked at the rice: “Okay, good Master Four, I’m going now!”

“Wait!” Arron shouted again.

The butler looked at Arron tremblingly: “Four Young Masters?”

“Darius is my guest. The practice of detaining Darius privately just now has violated the family rules. Remember to apologize like Young Master Shu!” Arron said coldly.

The steward immediately broke out in a cold sweat: “Yes, yes, I know about the Fourth Young Master, I…I apologize, and after letting Young Master Shu go, I will come here to convict you immediately.”

The word must be, the butler ran away immediately.

He knew that just before the young lady entered the gate, his suppression of the fourth young grandmother and the compliment to Lanita were enough for the fourth young master to poke him 10,000 transparent holes.

He can’t escape.

Since you can’t escape, it’s better to confess your guilt and confess your punishment.

Within two minutes, Darius was brought over by the housekeeper. He saw that the scene was so messy and quiet. Most of the people in the hall were sitting in their proper seats, except for his own grandfather. Blushing like pig liver, with a drooping love head, a look of annoyance on his face, and the three people behind his grandfather: Jarod. Moira. Lanita.


The three of them were so embarrassed.

Jarod is better, at least his clothes are neat.

But Moira is not good, her hair is messy, as if she has just been asleep.

The most horrible thing was Lanita, her face was even more terrifying than Li Gui, and even more embarrassing.

Such a family of three gave Darius an indescribable pleasure.

He shouted: “Grandpa.”

Elder Shu was still calm: “Famous Zhen, whose male partner are you, since you have already agreed, you are her male partner today.”

At this moment, Darius couldn’t say anything.

Even if he has more questions, he can only go home and ask his grandfather again. As for Lanita’s family of three, Darius felt that he deserved it.

It deserves it!

Darius turned around and came to Galia, and said apologetically: “I’m sorry Galia, I have kept you waiting.”

“It’s okay.” Galia smiled briskly.

Playing with Darius with her wrist, she came to Lenny and Rayna, and the four of them and their colleagues stood in front of Suzi.

Galia said to Suzi in a huffing tone: “Suzi, we will join hands to see who dares to bully you.”

Hearing this, the drooping old man Shu sighed first, and then sneered: “Since the matter has reached this point, then I have nothing to hide.”

Yubi, he looked at Suzi coldly: “Suzi, I will ask you personally, what are your intentions? Be honest!”

Chapter 672

Elder Shu scolded Suzi so fiercely, but Suzi was not scared.

She looked at Elder Shu calmly, with an unspeakable bleakness in her tone: “Speaking of this, Mr. Shu must have caught my deadly handle! Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so aggressive, would it?”

Elder Shu said with a straight face: “This shows that I’m holding you, and you know it in your heart, don’t you?”


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