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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 680

Read Chapter 679 – 680 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 679

“What are you! Do you want to give me an explanation for my mother’s death?” Suzi asked coldly: “No, I will check it myself! Mr. Lin, you can do it yourself!”

Suzi didn’t even say that she wanted revenge and hate.

But this was enough to shock Jarod.

“As long as you ask yourself, you have a clear conscience!” Suzi added.

Jarod: “…”

Ask yourself, have a clear conscience?

He dared not think about it.

At this moment, he saw Suzi in a dress and crystal shoes that Arron personally put on her when he was holding his daughter and a family of three hand in hand in this hall, especially when he saw the five-year-old Shen’s only little dumpling. Jarod felt a pain when he was in that cute little appearance.

Pain that pierced the bones.

He suddenly felt that Suzi was like a pliable grass, which could not be burned out by the fire, and could not die in the rain. Just give her some warm air, and she can exude full of vitality in the lush greenery.

A big blood hole was dug in Jarod’s heart.

He remembered when Suzi was unjustly imprisoned, when Suzi was picked up from prison to save her mother and was willing to be a drug primer, and when Suzi had a big belly but was going to be hunted down. .

In the past, Jarod dared not think about it anymore.

He sat on the ground, holding his head, not looking at Suzi.

Suzi looked at Moira and Lanita’s mother and daughter again.

The mother and daughter shrank, like two depilatory chickens that just crawled out of the cold water, especially Lanita, her face is so dirty that she hasn’t wiped it even now, just hanging on her face like this, how ugly it is. How ugly.

“Is the game fun?” Suzi asked.

Moira: “…”

Lanita: “Forgive… forgive us a…dog… life, I… my grandpa will… will Helping you…you always conquer that…that island, it’s up to me…my grandfather’s face, forgive…forgive us, right? “Lanita was so scared to say that she had bit her tongue several times.

At this time, what face, what to marry Arron, these things are no longer important.

The important thing is that she wants to save her life.

Seeing Suzi not speaking, Lanita knelt down directly to Suzi: “Suzi…please see that you were the adopted daughter of our family before, and my parents raised you. For the sake of the year, you forgive us, okay?”

“Your knees are really soft.” Suzi sneered.

Then she held back her tears and said, “Your family? Raise me? Eight years! Haha! Your family! Raise me! Eight years!”

Jarod + Moira: “…”

“Go!” Suzi spit out a word.

“You…what did you say?” Lanita thought she had heard it wrong.

“Get out!” Suzi said again.

Lanita was the first to react, she got up and ran away on her own.

She didn’t even want her parents.

It was even more impossible to look back at Grandpa Shu, who had always protected him.

At the moment Lanita ran out, Old Man Shu’s heart was cut like a knife.

He suddenly thought that his grandson Darius had told him countless times: “Grandpa, I think Suzi is more like my little aunt’s daughter.”

Elder Shu looked at Suzi sadly.

His face was shameless by himself and the Lin family today.

When he didn’t know where to put his face, Suzi suddenly called him: “Master Shu!”

Chapter 680


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