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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 704

Read Chapter 703 – 704 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 703

Arron + Suzi: “…”

Pedestrians come and go in the huge airport lobby.

Many people recognized Arron, but they didn’t dare to take photos or cover up things like that. This is such a frightening man. In this airport hall where people are everywhere, he wants to guess with his wife. Ding shell.

Yan Zhu next to him immediately covered his mouth.

If he doesn’t cover his mouth, he has to laugh out loud, okay!

I really admire my little princess.

The little princess is really a good hand to torture her own father.


Even a man respected as the King of the South City is just a slave to his daughter.

Guess Ding Shell!

The president of the dignified Fushi Group guessed Ding Shell with his wife in the airport lobby.

Moreover, it has to be the kind of cheating.

Arron knew that although the little girl asked her parents to guess Ding Shell, she wanted to follow her mother in her heart.

This little thing!

When did she think about her mother, she was simply her mother’s little guardian.

Guess Ding Shell!

Arron and Suzi met his brother’s eyes, and then they both shot at the same time.

“Only, you followed Dad these two days.” Arron said in a gleeful tone. Lilly: “Eh… that’s all right.”

She looked at Suzi, “Goodbye mom, good luck. If you get to the place, if you have any needs, remember to call my dad as soon as you can. If you can’t find my dad, you can find me.”

She is like an old man, and has a lot to explain to her mother.

Suzi: “…I see, mom!”

Lilly: “Puff…”

“You go back quickly, I’ll go through the security check and board the plane!” Suzi k!ssed the girl’s face before he was willing to go through the security check.

After registration, the plane will take off in 45 minutes.

Suzi sat down and closed his eyes and thought a lot.

The moment the plane took off, she suddenly panicked. She has a nervousness that is close to nostalgia. For fifteen years, she has not set foot on her homeland.

What has become of that piece of land now?

Is there anyone you know there?

How is your old house?

Have all the neighbors moved out?

Suzi didn’t know, she was very worried.

Two hours later, Suzi landed safely. After leaving the airport, she took a taxi to the county where her hometown was.

After another two hours, Suzi guessed that she had actually reached her homeland.

The development of the small county has completely changed, and she can’t recognize it anymore.

There were so many tall buildings here, which made her feel like she couldn’t tell the direction. Suzi checked the time, and it was already ten thirty in the evening, and she settled down at the Jinli Hotel, the best hotel in the county.

After entering the hotel and putting down his luggage, Suzi called her husband immediately: “Arron, I have already arrived at my hometown.”

Chapter 704

Arron was in a meeting at the other end.

In the conference room, Arron sat in the center. On the sofa placed next to him lay a sleeping little bun. On the opposite side of him, there were no fewer than 30 people sitting on the long oval conference table.

These thirty people are all his confidants.


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