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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 728

Chapter 727

Will definitely break Jarod’s body into thousands of pieces! “

Speaking of words, Suzi immediately hung up the phone.

She couldn’t guarantee that she would go crazy if she talked again.

After all, in front of so many people now, it really doesn’t look good for her to go crazy.

Suzi thought that after returning to Nancheng from here, she must personally come to Xingshi to question her crimes. If she overturned the Lin family’s home, she would not be called Suzi.

Until this moment, Suzi didn’t know that Lanita’s family had fled to Jiaxing Island.

And the person who helped them escape to that island was Elder Shu.

After Suzi hung up the phone, he looked at the people present apologetically: “Sorry, I made you laugh.”

“Where, Mrs. Fu has done a lot of magnanimity.”

“You can give millions of assets to someone who has helped you before. It shows that you have a kind heart.”

These people are all people who are accustomed to meeting the wind.

But their compliments to Suzi are sincere.

Just a minute after Suzi hung up Lanita’s call, the full-time grave-lifting staff and Taoist priests also came here. Suzi and Shen Er’s grandfather led these people to the back of Suzi’s house. , Here is a clearing, all overgrown with weeds, in this wild grass, Suzi saw his father’s tomb

Because he hadn’t been home for more than ten years, only a small mound of soil remained at the grave of Suzi’s father. Fortunately, there is a tombstone standing there. Suzi can see that this is father’s tomb. She immediately knelt in front of the tomb, crying silently: “Dad…daughter is coming to see you, dad…you are alone. Are you lonely living here?

I know you must be very lonely and lonely.

Sorry dad, sorry!

My daughter was too late, so I almost got you buried here.

Dad, but it’s okay now, my daughter will come to take you away and go with me. We will never stay in this place that has humiliated you for a lifetime. “

Yubi Suzi deeply knocked his father three heads.

After Arron helped Suzi to get up, the grave maker began to dig the ground.

Due to the large number of people, plus the Avia forces that hindered Arron, the grave work and rituals were all done smoothly.

When it was almost time to eat this morning, things in Suzi’s hometown had already been dealt with.

Suzi held his father’s urn and Grandpa Shen Er said goodbye: “Second grandpa, I will live in a hotel in the county town for these two days. If you have anything to do, you can call me or Arron.”

“Suzi, slow down. Although the house has been demolished, the villagers are all in the same relocation community. You can come back if you want to come back in the future. This will always be your home.” Grandpa Shen Er said with tears on his face.

Suzi nodded, and turned into the car with his father’s ashes in his arms.

The car slowly drove out of the village entrance, and the villagers followed behind to see off.

When Suzi watched, he was very moved.

As the car drifted away, Suzi also received a lot of emotion. But now is not the time for her to feel emotion, she can’t wait to ask about her mother.

“Arron…you said that my mother was imprisoned by Jarod at home, what’s the matter?” Suzi asked anxiously.

Chapter 728

Seeing Suzi holding his father’s ashes in his heart, Arron couldn’t bear to say this to Suzi.


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