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Pursuing Her novel (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 522

Upon further observation, Ysabelle dismissed the possibility of Nicholas being a fellow student.

He just did not seem like a varsity student.

Nicholas replied, “Nah. I just wanted to visit the university. I'd love to study here if I have the chance.”

He had an answer ready for every question that came his way.

“I see!” Ysabelle remained unconvinced.

Cafeteria food was a whole new experience for Nicholas, who had spent his life eating the finest dishes and meals designed specifically for his nutritional balance.

Still, he would happily gorge on cafeteria food if it gave him the opportunity to have dinner with Sophie.

He stared so blatantly at Sophie that it was difficult for others not to notice.

Ysabelle whispered beside her friend's ear, “He's just staring at you.”

“I know. Just ignore him,” muttered Sophie before returning her attention to her meal.

Nicholas shrugged off her indifference. It did not stop him from achieving his goal of sharing a meal with her.

A short while later, Sophie and Ysabelle cleaned off their plates and stood up to leave.

Instead of following them, Nicholas continued eating his meal.

The food somehow tasted more delicious and was more bearable on the palate.

Ysabelle's mind was still on Nicholas when she left the cafeteria. She commented, “Hey Sophie, that guy we met earlier is pretty handsome. He'll be quite popular if he joins the entertainment industry.”


Sophie's half-hearted reply directly correlated with her interest in discussing her stubborn admirer.

He's definitely not going to join the entertainment industry.

The two young women left the cafeteria and immediately ran into Tristan and Felix.

Ysabelle pouted and asked, “Why didn't you tell us you were coming? We already finished dinner.”

She regretted the missed opportunity for them to dine together.

Felix piped up, “It's fine. We came to pick you up.”

“Oh.” As an afterthought, Ysabelle added, “Let's go! Why don't I show you around the campus?”

“Sounds good!” Felix would hardly surrender the chance to spend some alone time with Ysabelle. Tristan's presence severely limited his wooing strategies, so Felix was naturally in favor of splitting up.

Ysabelle voiced her agreement, “I'm going to show Felix around the campus then, Sophie. Don't worry about us.”

“Yup, run along!”

Tristan's arrival instantly banished any unhappy thoughts Sophie had about meeting Nicholas earlier.

Seeing a loved one was clearly guaranteed to improve one's mood.

Now, Sophie was in much better spirits.

Ysabelle and Felix walked off hand-in-hand. Tristan also held hands with Sophie before they wandered around the campus.

They were such a handsome couple that even in a university campus teeming with good-looking students, Tristan and Sophie easily stood out among the crowd.

They instantly commanded everyone's attention and envy.

A photography club member who noticed the beautiful couple hastily raised his camera and snapped a photo of them.

He checked the photo and nodded to himself in satisfaction.

What was a careless shot turned out to be as good as a well-timed photoshoot.

He had only managed to capture their backs, but the composition gave the viewer plenty of room for imagination.

Unbeknownst to the happy couple, Nicholas had been trailing them after finishing his dinner.

His heart throbbed with pain as he observed how gently Sophie behaved around Tristan.

Nicholas did not want for much. He would be content if Sophie could shoot him gazes filled with such tenderness instead of hatred.

What did I do wrong? I met Sophie first! How did Tristan swoop in and steal her away?

Indignance swelled in Nicholas' chest.

The campus at that hour was bustling with students and boasted a lovely view.

By then, Sophie and Tristan had wandered to the basketball court and took leisurely circles around the court.

He held a stack of books in one hand while the other held Sophie's hand tightly.

She appeared to be listening attentively to something he was saying.

Nicholas was always lurking just a short distance behind them.

Suddenly, a stray basketball flew right at Sophie.

She had her back against the ball and did not notice a thing. Thankfully, Tristan spotted the basketball and quickly pulled her into his embrace.

He tossed the books in his hand aside and slapped the ball away.

Several basketball players had been watching the situation closely. They had set their sights on Sophie since she enrolled in Jipsdale University, and their gazes were far from friendly when they noticed she was with another man.

One of them taunted, “Is that your boyfriend, Sophie? Looks pretty average to me!”

A woman like Sophie can have any partner she wants!

Sophie knitted her brows in response, irritated by the basketball player's attitude.

She shot back, “How is that any of your business?”

“Hey, what's with the attitude?” The basketball player addressed Tristan, “You there! Interested in a match? Let's do it one-on-one!”

Tristan immediately realized the student's intentions. He must have a crush on Sophie.

He had always known his Sophie was a stunning young woman who attracted admirers by the truckloads.

However, this was the first time someone was challenging his status as Sophie's boyfriend.

It was certainly an odd feeling.

That did not mean he was backing down. “Bring it on!”

It's just a basketball match. What's there to be scared of?

Sophie could not care less about what her hopeless admirers thought. She said, “You don't have to do this, Tristan.”

She thought it would be a complete waste of his energy.

“Don't worry. I haven't exercised in a long time. Today's a good day to clock in some activity.”

Tristan removed his suit coat and handed it to Sophie.

He asked calmly, “How should we do this?”

It had been a while since Tristan last picked up a basketball, but he would not run away from a public challenge.

“How about one-on-one, just between the two of us? I'll give you a head start of ten points.” Tristan's challenger, Jace, played for Jipsdale University's basketball varsity team, and he was extremely confident in his skills.

The young man's teammates burst into laughter after his words.

“Jace, he's still going down even if you give him a 20-point head start.”

His teammates all knew how good Jace was.

Tristan declared, “That's not necessary. You can all play together.”

He preferred solving all his problems at once instead of dragging things out.

“What?” The basketball players gawked at him in disbelief.

Does he have any idea what he just suggested?

Tristan repeated, “I said all of you can play against me at once. Don't waste my time. Understood?”

“Hmph, that's a bold request. Since you're bent on losing, we'll help you fulfill that wish. But remember, if you lose, you'll break up with Sophie immediately!”

Sophie had promptly dethroned Jipsdale University's previous campus belle shortly after her enrolment.

Of course, Sophie did not give a hoot about being crowned the new campus belle.

“Break up? That's impossible. She doesn't like any of you,” declared Tristan.

Then, he stole his opponent's ball and swiftly made a three-pointer.

At first, the basketball players did not take Tristan seriously at all.

Seconds later, they changed their minds.

Tristan easily intercepted their passes and broke down their offense.

The basketball match had attracted a crowd of curious onlookers, and many young women began squealing in admiration after witnessing Tristan's effortless moves.


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