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Changing only for her (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326

“Okay. You can do as you please. As for Lincoln, you don't have to worry about that because I'll deal with him.”

In Tristan's opinion, getting exposure to the entertainment industry wasn't bad.

The Lombard family already had a few capable figures to inherit the family business, so Ysabelle was free to pursue her interest.

Sophie wrapped her arms around Tristan's and leaned on him.

“Mr. Tristan, why are you so nice?” His promises had eliminated all her doubts and worries.

“Now that you know I'm nice, you'll have to treasure me in the future, all right?” he said jokingly.


“In this case, am I considered your boyfriend now?” He realized she had never officially confirmed his status.

That thought took him by surprise because he never knew there would be a moment when he would yearn for another person's acknowledgment.

Sophie was amused.

“Okay. I agree. I allow you to be my boyfriend,” she uttered magnanimously.

Although Tristan had always known they would end up together, he could not help feeling happy after listening to her response. A contented sense of being acknowledged by her filled his chest.

Taking in his elated demeanor, Sophie's mood brightened as well.

“By the way, do you require capital for your agency? Let me know if you do.” He could provide her with resources in terms of both monetary and labor if she needed them.

“I don't need it for now.” The amount of money in her possession was sufficient to fund an entertainment company.

“Do you know? I do wish that you would depend on me.” Sophie could do well in every aspect of her life, so Tristan felt his existence wasn't at all essential to her, and that caused him to feel slightly insecure.

“Okay. I promise I'll let you know if I need your help.”

“All right.”

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Tristan personally sent Sophie to the entrance of Jipsdale Premier High.

“We're here. Since this is a school, you don't have to walk me in.” She halted before the front gate.

“Okay. Let's have dinner together.”

“That won't do. I've already agreed to meet up with Mark and the others.” They were about to release a new album, so many details were pending confirmation.

Tristan fell silent. Am I getting neglected right after we officially established our relationship?

“Didn't we stay together for the whole night yesterday?”

“Fine. Give me a call after you're done with your work. I'll pick you up.” He had no choice but to concede because he knew she was an opinionated person and wouldn't entirely obey him.

Right after Ysabelle got out ofher car, she saw Sophie and her uncle. Then, she immediately jogged toward them.

“Sophie, you didn't attend the classes in the morning. Tell me. Where did you go, and what did you do last night?”

Although Sophie had come of age yesterday, she was undoubtedly still young. There were some things she shouldn't be doing yet.

Tristan disregarded Ysabelle's words. He bade farewell to Sophie and turned around to leave.

“Uncle Tristan is so heartless. He completely ignored me just now!” Ysabelle was mad because Tristan had acted as if she was invisible earlier. Is my sense of presence that weak?

“That's enough. Let me tell you some good news. Your uncle has given you the green light to enter the entertainment industry.”

Tristan was a competent and almighty person, so he definitely had the ability to realize his promise.

Ysabelle grabbed Sophie's arm and asked excitedly, “Are you serious?” My Uncle Tristan really said yes! I thought I would be forced to leave Jipsdale. As long as Uncle Tristan can convince my dad, I'll be able to continue staying here.

“I'm serious.”

Ysabelle embraced Sophie while smiling radiantly.

“Sophie, you're indeed my lucky star. Everything in my life is smooth sailing with you around.”


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