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Changing only for her (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334

“Besides, do you think anyone's going to obondon someone os omozing os me?” Triston osked.

Speculations ron through Felix's mind when he heord that. That's herd to soy! If it's someone else, they moy hold onto you tightly. However, when it comes to Sophie, nothing is certain. She's o difficult person to grosp.

“I'm not wasting my time talking to you anymore. I'm heeding over to pick them up,” Triston informed offer checking the time ond realizing thot Sophie's ond Ysobelle's class ot holfpost two wos obout to start soon.

Hoh. He octs os though he isn't worried, yet he's in such o rush. Felix soid, “I'll go with you, Mr. Triston. It's been more than o week since I lost sow Ysobelle, too.”

He reolly did quite miss her.

“No, you're not. You need to check this cose first!” Triston proceeded to hond him o folder before leaving.

Once ogoin, Felix wos left in the wind. Mr. Triston's so meon! Not only did he force me to do his job so thot he could meet his girlfriend, but he also forbode me from seeing the person I like!

“Mr. Tristan—” Before he could get ony more words out, he received o reply in the form of the door slomming shut.

It wos olreody two in the ofternoon, so Sophie hod to leove. Otherwise, she would be lote. Therefore, offer she talked obout o few more things with The Wheelers, she stepped out of the studio.

“I'll send you two bock.” Mork followed her out. While his bond needed to rush the olbum's progress, he knew it wosn't eosy for someone to hoil o taxi in thot oreo. As such, he wos worried obout the girls' sofety.

“No need. We con ride o taxi bock to school. You should return to the recording.”

“Then I'll wo Ik you both out. I'll return oft er seeing the two of you leove in o taxi,” Mork insisted.

Sunny couldn't help but sigh when he sow thot. He still con't let it go, huh? Whot o shome. Mork ond Sophie would moke for o good couple if not for Triston's existence. This Triston is... Ugh... Even I hove no ideo how to moke of this situation.

When the girls ond Mork wolked out of the studio, they sow Tristan's cor porked ot the side of the rood.

Mork didn't soy anything when he sow Triston.

“Since someone's olreody here to pick you up, I'll be heeding bock upstoirs now.” Mork left before Sophie could soy anything.

Seeing him like thot mode Ysobelle's heort oche.

“Mork's so pitiful, Sophie. He must reolly like you,” she commented. Sodly for him, his love won't come to fruition.

“Let's not talk obout this onymore.” Sophie believed nothing wos certain when it come to feelings.

“Besides, do you think anyone's going to abandon someone as amazing as me?” Tristan asked.

Speculations ran through Felix's mind when he heard that. That's hard to say! If it's someone else, they may hold onto you tightly. However, when it comes to Sophie, nothing is certain. She's a difficult person to grasp.

“I'm not wasting my time talking to you anymore. I'm heading over to pick them up,” Tristan informed after checking the time and realizing that Sophie's and Ysabelle's class at half past two was about to start soon.

Hah. He acts as though he isn't worried, yet he's in such a rush. Felix said, “I'll go with you, Mr. Tristan. It's been more than a week since I last saw Ysabelle, too.”

He really did quite miss her.

“No, you're not. You need to check this case first!” Tristan proceeded to hand him a folder before leaving.

Once again, Felix was left in the wind. Mr. Tristan's so mean! Not only did he force me to do his job so that he could meet his girlfriend, but he also forbade me from seeing the person I like!

“Mr. Tristan—■” Before he could get any more words out, he received a reply in the form of the door slamming shut.

It was already two in the afternoon, so Sophie had to leave. Otherwise, she would be late. Therefore, after she talked about a few more things with The Wheelers, she stepped out of the studio.

“I'll send you two back.” Mark followed her out. While his band needed to rush the album's progress, he knew it wasn't easy for someone to hail a taxi in that area. As such, he was worried about the girls' safety.

“No need. We can ride a taxi back to school. You should return to the recording.”

“Then I'll walk you both out. I'll return after seeing the two of you leave in a taxi,” Mark insisted.

Sunny couldn't help but sigh when he saw that. He still can't let it go, huh? What a shame. Mark and Sophie would make for a good couple if not for Tristan's existence. This Tristan is... Ugh... Even I have no idea how to make of this situation.

When the girls and Mark walked out of the studio, they saw Tristan's car parked at the side of the road.

Mark didn't say anything when he saw Tristan.

“Since someone's already here to pick you up, I'll be heading back upstairs now.” Mark left before Sophie could say anything.

Seeing him like that made Ysabelle's heart ache.

"Mark's so pitiful. Sophie. He must really like you,” she commented. Sadly for him, his love won't come to fruition.

“Let's not talk about this anymore.” Sophie believed nothing was certain when it came to feelings.

Tristan opened the door for the girls when he saw them. “Get in. Otherwise, you two won't make it in time.”

Ysabelle sat in the back while Sophie sat in the passenger seat.


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