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Changing only for her (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 337

Chapter 337

-Ahidderi^Wto. kind ofbiddenogend.oouldlpossrbly hove, Sophie. 1 know what you'm doing. you're trying to drive o wedge between us becouse you're jeolous of me. I won't believe you.

rm stu. Sophie said .hot heoo.se she's otroid .hot PH become mom famous then her Of bourne. Cloy... signed the contra., with me because I'm talented! Why does he hove to spend thot much money ,f foot rsn t foe cose.

"Sophie, you've go, to stop spouting nonseme just because you'm jeafous. Peopie will look down on you for that, you know?" Willow soid with disdoin.

•‘D*mn. whot's wrong with you?Are you suffering from persecutory delusionol disorder? Do you tokes for Sophie to be jeolous of you? Why would onyone be jeolous of you? Are you telling me ot s es jeo ous o y stupidity?” Ysobelle swopped ofter she couldn't toke it onymore.

•■Come on, let's go. Don't waste time talking to her.”

Sophie hod to moke o trip to TS ot once.


With thot, Sophie ond Ysobelle left, leaving Willow behind.

There wos no woy Willow would listen to anything Ysobelle hod to soy ot thot point in time.

Then, she took o toxi ond went to Sky Medio since she still hod matters to tolk to Cloyton obout.

All she could think of ot thot time wos to become fomous ond moke Cloyton foil for her.

He signed foe contract with me because 1 hold a piece in his head, right? If he's thot fond of me. how con 1 possibly let tins opportunity slip by?

When she reached Sky Medio, however, the receptionist wouldn't even allow her to go to Clayton's office,

"Whors the meaning of this? Pm one of the ori.sts under Sky Medio. I woo.to see Mr. Zales! Is there a problem with that?' Willow wos enraged. They're clearly looking down on me!

“I'm sorry. Hundreds of women wish to see Mr. Zoles every doy. We can’t possibly let them oil in.”

It wos such o doily happening thot the receptionists hod gotten used to it.

Do these women really think they con seduce Mr. Zoles just becouse they hove somewhat decent looks?


In thot instant. Cloyton walked out with o group of people.

Willow doshed toword him the moment she sow him.

.■Cloyton. do you mmd helping me out? There ore a few things that I can't figure out." The look the moment she sow him. Th. arrogant air sb. hod put on o second ago d.soppeored almost mstomly.

"Gosh! I con't believe such o shomeless person octuolly exists!

wedge between us because you're jealous of me. I wont believe you.

P„ sure Soph.e said tha, because she's afraid that I'll become more fomous than her. Of course. Cfoytou signed the contract with me because I'm talented! Why does he have to spend that much money if that isnt the case.

“Sophie, you've gotto stop spouting nonsense just because you're jealous. People wiU look down on you for that, you know?” Willow said with disdain.

-D*mn, what's wrong wtth you? Are you suffer.ng from persecutory delusiorud disorder? Do you "

takes for Sophie to be jealous of you? Why would anyone be jealous of you? Are you telling me at s e sjea o stupidity?” Ysabelle snapped after she couldn't take it anymore.

“Come on, let's go. Don't waste time talking to her.”

Sophie had to make a trip to TS at once.


With that, Sophie and Ysabelle left, leaving Willow behind.

There was no way Willow would listen to anything Ysabelle had to say at that point in time.

Then, she took a taxi and went to Sky Media since she still had matters to talk to Clayton about.

All she could think of at that time was to become famous and make Clayton fall for her.

He signed the contract w.th me because 1 hold a piece m his heart, right? If he's that fond of me, how can 1 poss.Uy let tins opportunity slip by?

When she reached Sky Media, however, the receptionist wouldn't even allow her to go to Clayton's office.

“WhaTs the meaning of this? I'm one of foe musts under Sky Medea. I wan... see Mr. Zafos! Is there a problem with that?'

Willow was enraged. They're clearly looking down on me!

-t'm sorry. Hundreds of women wish to see Mr. Zales every day. We can't possibly let them all in."

It was such a daily happening that the receptionists had gotten used to it.

Do fo.se women really think they can seduce Mr. Zales just because they have somewhat decent looks?

In that instant, Clayton walked out with a group of people.

Willow dashed toward him the moment she saw him.


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