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Changing only for her (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 342

Chapter 342

It was Tristan's first time seeing her in that state, and that worried him.

“Stay calm. I'll get changed, and we'll leave together.”

How could he be at ease with letting her go by herself at a time like this?

“Okay, go and get changed. I'll wait for you in the living room.” At that, Sophie forced herself to calm down. What has happened has happened. The only thing I can do now is resolve the issue. Anyway, what's most important at this moment is to ensure that Sunny's fine.

Meanwhile, Tristan darted into the room to change before driving Sophie to the hospital.

On their way there, Sophie was exceptionally silent. Even though he knew she was physically beside him, he could sense that her mind was far from him.

With one hand on the steering wheel, Tristan then reached out with his other hand to pull her hand to his lips.

"Hey, it'll be fine.”

Sophie glanced at him.

“Mr. Tristan, Clayton must have a death wish, right? How dare he lay a finger on my people? I'm going to make his life a living hell!”

In the past, Sophie had been contented with simply teaching him a lesson.

It looked like she had been too merciful toward him. In a way, her kindness was the cause of Sunny's suffering.

If she had dealt with Clayton back then, Sunny would not have had to go through this pain.

“Okay. I'll support you no matter what your decision is. Even if you're planning to end Clayton's life, I'll help you.”

Sophie said nothing to that.

Nothing she said could be of any use.

Silently, she made up her mind to never let anyone have the chance to hurt the people around her again.

When Sophie and Tristan arrived at the hospital, Mark and the others were outside. Upon seeing Sophie, Mark shot a glance at Jonathan.

Jonathan could only pretend to not notice that.

It was desperation that drove him to call Sophie.

Regardless of everything, Sophie had Tristan's support. As long as it was a matter concerning Sophie, Tristan would surely intervene.

“Sophie, why are you here? Go home. Sunny's fine,” Mark lied, not wanting her to worry.

The four of them would be enough to stand guard by Sunny's side.

“How is Sunny?” she asked, ignoring Mark's words.

Mark was forced to answer, “The doctor said that he's not in any mortal danger.”

“I want to take a look at him,” she replied. There was no way she could be at ease unless she saw Sunny herself.

“You should go home, Sophie. Sunny's asleep right now. Your presence will only disturb his rest,” Mark patiently told her.

Yet, Sophie was not going to listen to him.

There was only one reason for them to behave this way: Sunny was badly hurt.

Sophie pushed open the door.

The moment she saw the grievously injured Sunny, she clenched her fists.

Clayton. Zales.

Sophie closed her eyes. How long has it been since I've felt such anger? Clayton is really making my blood boil.

Meanwhile, even Tristan, a man who had seen much in his life, had inhaled sharply upon seeing Sunny on the bed.

Clayton's too unbelievable. I can't believe he has the guts to do this to one of my men!

“Sunny, I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you, but don't worry, I'll definitely make Clayton pay ten times the price for this!”


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