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Changing only for her (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 349

Chapter 349

“Understood, Mr. Tristan. I'll do as you said. Is there anything else I can do?”

“That's all. Thank you for agreeing to this. We should get together for a meal someday.”

The chief was exhilarated when he heard that.

“Of course! I won't take up your time, then. Bye!” the chief replied knowingly.

When the call ended, Tristan pulled Sophie into his arms.

“It's done. Feel free to do whatever you want. I'll always be here, no matter what the outcome is. I'll tank it for you,” he assured with confidence.

Sophie rested her head on his shoulder. She knew that Tristan would be able to help her no matter what her request was, but it still surprised her that he could get things done so swiftly.

“Thank you for doing this,” she uttered.

Looking at how adorable Sophie was, Tristan could not hold it in any longer. He lifted her chin and kissed her deeply until she felt a suffocating sensation.

“Where should we go for lunch? It's on me. I want to thank you for helping me,” Sophie suggested.

“That's not enough, though.”

“What do you want then?”

Sophie was sporting enough to give him whatever he wanted.

“How about marrying me?” Tristan asked with a smile.

Sophie thought for a while.

“I need time to think about it. I need to see if I can entrust my whole life to you,” she replied jokingly.

“Why? Is there anything about me you're dissatisfied about?” Tristan genuinely wanted to know her answer, for he had always tried to be the best version of himself for her.

“Not really. At least not now, but who knows what will happen in the future?” Sophie understood that people in love usually got along well and could not wait to marry each other.

However, problems would begin to surface after they got together.

Sophie had no idea how things would evolve between her and Tristan in the future, but up till that moment, things had gone well between them.

“Good to know. I'll work hard and make sure you have nothing to worry about. I won't disappoint you. On the contrary, I'll make you regret not taking up my offer.”

"Mr. Tristan, I'm so grateful to be the one you chose among all the people out there.” Sophie could not imagine her life without him, for his presence warmed her heart, and that was all she needed.

Hearing this, Tristan tightened his arms around her.

“I didn't choose you. My heart did, and I followed where it led.” Tristan did not know why he felt attracted to her the first time he saw her.

Perhaps it was love at first sight.

As for the reason, it was not important anymore.

All Sophie had to know was Tristan's love for her and that he would deal with everything that came their way no matter what they faced.

“All right. We should go for lunch now. I'm hungry,” Sophie said as she pulled herself out of his embrace. Then, she reached out and tugged Tristan up from the couch.

While they were on their way out, they bumped into Felix, who was eager to join them for lunch, but because Tristan was glaring at him, Felix had no choice but to keep quiet begrudgingly.

Come on, man! I've worked so hard the whole day. Can't I at least have a meal with you guys? Why do I have to live like this?

Sophie could not help but laugh when she saw Felix's reaction.


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