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Changing only for her (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Tristan shot a begrudging glance at Sophie. See! This is how Arius bullies others all the time. However, I can't even teach him a lesson out of respect for Sophie! This is so upsetting.

Sophie felt extremely guilty when she saw the look in his eyes. After all, she did not do it on purpose.

When they were at Horington, Arius would call her that all the time and make her cringe. Hence, at times when she ran out of patience, she would just tell him off.

Arius' mood improved.

“Let's go and eat! I'm so hungry!”

Every time Tristan got upset, he would feel pleased. He just wanted to see Tristain unhappy.

Hence, whenever that happened, he would naturally become extremely delighted.

Arius led the way in. However, Tristan and Sophie were still standing outside. When Sophie saw that he was not moving, she walked toward him and held his hand.

“I'm just calling him that casually. I don't mean anything else.”

Sophie could not bring herself to feel happy when she saw him being jealous.

“Are you angry? Don't be angry, okay?”

All Tristan could do was sigh.

“Kiss me. If you kiss me, I'll pretend that nothing happened earlier.”

Sophie stood on her toes and pecked him on the lips.

"What about this?” This should be enough, right?

“Fine, I'll accept it.” Tristan wrapped his arm around her waist and entered the restaurant. Honestly, other than the annoying things that he would say, Arius was quite decent.

At the very least, he was just like a brother to Sophie.

After eating, the three of them headed to the hospital.

Upon arriving, Arius changed his clothes and went to the hospital ward to check Sunny's hand.

After a meticulous inspection, Arius reached a conclusion.

“Is there any hope for my hand, Professor Gullifer?” Sunny knew Arius well. Since Arius had helped to heal his hand the previous time, he felt like he had just gotten a glimpse of hope upon seeing Arius again.

Arius patted his shoulder.

“Don't worry. As long as I'm here, I can heal you even if your bones have shattered!” assured Arius confidently.

After staying at the International Medical Association for such a long time, there was no way he could not heal Sunny's hand.

“Really? I can still play the drums?” The other doctors in the country had already run out of solutions. Despite having met numerous doctors in the past few days, the outcomes were all disappointing.

Although he was initially full of confidence, he started doubting himself after the doctors left one after the other.

Arius could not help but burst out laughing.

“If someone else said that, I would've just left immediately. I don't like patients who don't trust me.”

I've quite a temper too, okay? Is there a need to doubt me like that?

“I'm sorry, Professor Gullifer. I just...”

“That's enough. What are you doing, Arius? Sunny's just worried about his hand.” Sophie did not like it when others bullied Sunny.

Since Sophie said that, Arius stopped messing around.

“Fine! Don't worry. There'll be absolutely no problem.” He still behaved in front of Sophie.

Arius lamented secretly, She only calls me back when she needs me. And every time I return, she's so fierce toward me!

When the director found out that Arius and the rest were at the hospital, he specially cleared out the director's office for Arius.


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