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Raakshas - A human demon novel Chapter 11

Author's p.o.v

Raakshas crouched down to Pari's level fixing his gaze on her when Pari mumbled with her trembling voice," Raakshas!"

" Running away, little fairy? Hmm? Where were you running away? Raakshas asked Pari tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

Pari moved her face to another direction and said making a disgusted face," Don't touch me, you criminal!!"

" Bohut himmat agayai hey tumhari andar (you have gotten so much courage inside you)....Hmm! Don't worry. I will make sure that you will fear me so much that you will ask for my permission before breathing," Raakshas said calmly but his signature creepy smile is plastered on his face.

He grabbed her shoulder and made her look into his eyes. She hissed in pain because of his tight grip. Then, he asked Pari clenching his jaw," Do you know what your bastard father had done?"

Pari looked at Raakshas with full rage because he had called her father bastard. But, she isn't understanding what's Raakshas talking about.

Before Pari could yell on Raakshas, the constable Arjun said yelling," Raakshas, let the girls go. Moreover, you are mistaken. ACP sir ney kuch nehi kya( ACP sir didn't do anything). He is innocent."

Raakshas looked at Arjun and said mockingly," Such a loyal dog. We have proof how much your ACP sir is innocent."

Pari and Prisha are listening to everything confusingly. But, both are afraid from the core of their heart. They are now hell worried about their father. Pari's subconscious is saying her only one thing and that is her father is in danger so do she and her sister.

Raakshas looked at Vedant and ordered him having a creepy smile on his face," Give some treat to this loyal dog of ACP Manish. He is barking too much."

Raakshas said pointing his finger at Arjun who is slightly shaking because of fear.

Vedant said walking towards Arjun, " Indeed he needs treat."

And the next moment the whole area heard the ear-piercing scream of Arjun because Vedant has simply broken Arjun's right hand and leg.

Pari said yelling," You monsters!! Leave my uncle. Why are you doing all this? What we have done?"

Saying that she tried to run towards Arjun when Raakshas hold her by her long shiny hairs. She holds his wrists to free herself from his tight grip.

Pari snapped at Raakshas," You are a pig. A low lying shit. Monster. Leave my uncle and let us go."

Hearing her, Raakshas gave her an ugly smirk and Pari gulped down her saliva with too much fear. She knew this smirk. Whenever he smirked, he did something really bad.

After that, without any warning, Raakshas took out his gun and shoot Arjun on his left knee. Arjun collapsed on the road letting out a painful scream.

This time Pari couldn't control herself anymore and pushed Raakshas hard. Raakshas was going to fall on the road but somehow he handled himself. He looked at Pari having a killer expression on his face.

Pari ran towards Arjun and bend down to his level. She placed Arjun's head on her lap and said crying," Uncle, everything will be fine. Hang on there. Please. Don't lose your sense."

Saying that she yelled at Raakshas with her cracking voice," take him to the hospital. He will die."

Raakshas just rolled his eyes and said having a boring expression on his face," If I have to take him to the hospital then I wouldn't have shot him in the first place. He has to die. I am sure he was also involved when your father committed that sin."

Pari isn't understanding about which sin Raakshas is talking about. But, Pari understood one thing that this barbarian isn't going to help her. Still, she can't let a person die in front of her.

She is still pleading to Raakshas when Arjun said with his faint voice holding Pari's hand," Pari.....listen..to...me......."

" You will be fine, uncle," Pari said crying.

Arjun said pressing her hand tightly," Listen...to....me.....you....have....to...be....strong...you...have to....take care.....of....prisha....because....you...are..her...only...guardian...now..your father....your...father.....is...no......"

Arjun couldn't complete his sentence and faint. Pari said touching his cheeks to get back his senses," Uncle...open your eyes....please...what happened to Papa? Uncle...uncle..."

Pari and Prisha both are crying on the road helplessly. Arjun is bleeding profusely. If he isn't taken to the hospital immediately then he will die for sure.

Pari looked at Raakshas with her teary eyes when Raakshas ordered his men," Take this body and throw it on the dustbin, river, pond....wherever you can. He will die anyway."

" How can you act so cruelly. That day you killed a man. Now, you are also killing an innocent man. Don't you have any heart," Pari asked Raakshas with her trembling voice.

Raakshas came forward and bend down to her level. He took her hand and placed it on his chest where his heart lies. He said having a painful voice," I used to have a heart. But it died a long time ago. And the reason was a woman just like you. She was also beautiful like you but her heart was very ugly. She was ugly from inside."

Pari didn't understand any of Raakshas's words. She is now confirmed that Raakshas has mental issues. Both are looking at each other intensely when Vedant said to Raakshas," It's time to take them to Sarkar."

Raakshas broke the eye contact with Pari and ordered his men," Bind their hands and feet. And also cover their eyes with black clothes."

" What the hell are you up to? Pari yelled but nobody gave any shit to her shouting. Raakshas's men obliged whatever they were ordered.

Pari and Prisha were roughly thrown in the car. Both of them are unaware of the fact that they are going to enter into hell.

Pari's p.o.v

Raakshas and the man whose name is  Vedant dragged us into a large mansion and throw us on the floor like we are any kind of trash.

The black clothes are already taken away from our eyes. Prisha is hugging me and trembling because of fear. Arjun uncle's last words are ringing inside my head and the fear is increasing inside me by every passing second.

I looked at my surroundings and understood that it's some kind of living room. The whole room is guarded by many bodyguards. The guards are looking very scary with their muscular body structure.


The readers' comments on the novel: Raakshas - A human demon