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Raakshas - A human demon novel Chapter 15

Pari's p.o.v

Vedant ordered his guards to drag me into the hotel but I started wriggling. They can't just sell me like an object. I am a human.

I started yelling like a madwoman but nobody gave any shit about my screaming. Vedant became irritated by my constant yelling and pointed his gun again on my forehead.

He threatened me," Just stop your mouth otherwise I will kill you right now."

" Then, kill me. It's better to be killed then sold like objects," I replied sternly where tears are soaking my cheeks. I just want to leave this world. I can't handle all this humiliation anymore.

Hearing me Vedant started laughing like I have said any kind of joke. He said smirking," have you ever thought what will happen to your sister after your death? She is also young and beautiful. We might sell her instead of you."

Saying that he raised his one brow and gave me an ugly smirk.

" Don't you dare you to do anything to my sister," I snapped at him wiping my tears. I can't let anyone harm my sister.

He replied coming towards me," Then, do as I say. Otherwise, the consequences will be very bad."

This time I didn't utter any words. I can't risk Prisha's life. I am the reason that we are trapped in this hell hole. I shouldn't have come to India. Because of my stupidity, my whole family is trapped now. Remembering all of my stupidity I started hiccuping like a small child.

I am hiccuping like a helpless person when Vedant yelled," Stop your crying and follow me."

I stopped my crying immediately and followed him like a lost puppy. He took me to a room where I found many girls like me. They all are beautiful but wearing too much-revelling clothes. Some of their breasts are so exposed that I felt embarrassed seeing them. I felt that I am the only one who is wearing the most modest clothes between them. But all of them are looking very upset just like me. Makeup couldn't cover the sadness of their face. I am sure they are also forced here.

Vedant barked on my face," When your name will be announced you will be on the stage. Otherwise, I will make sure that your sister will take place in the auction."

" Don't do anything to my sister. I will do everything you will say," I replied being defeated and vulnerable.

Vedant smirked at me and ordered me," You will come on the stage when your name will be announced as " Fairy". In the auction, we use pseudo name. So, your name is 'Fairy' now. Did you understand?"

I nodded my head in positive lowering my head. What my life has become! I am going to be sold just like objects from any markets. I don't know what has Destiny written for me.

I am sitting on a chair and girls after girls are going on the stage but nobody is returning. I can hear the prizes from the auctioneers. After coming here I am understanding what's called reality. Women are still sold like objects in today's world as well just because of some shit like Raakshas and Vedant.

I am cursing my fate when I heard the word Fairy". Yes, it's time for me to be sold like objects. I stood up on my feet and walked towards the stage lowering my head. My feet aren't moving but I have no other choice. I have to go to the stage.

The moment I entered the stage I felt that hundreds of eyes are looking at me. I can also feel that those eyes are eye raping me. They are opening my clothes just by their eyes.

The auctioneer yelled with excitement," Now, Here comes the 24-year-old virgin. Her name is Fairy. You might already assume that why she is called fairy. She looks like a real fairy. Now, let's start the prize for this hot piece of chick with green eyes."

Hearing him, I just closed my eyes where tears are coming out from my eyes non-stop. I can hear the prize for me. The prizes are increasing from thousands to millions. Is this my value!

I heard one of the men saying," 10 million."

Another one said," 15 million." Then I heard," 20 million, 25 million, 30 million."

Suddenly I heard a deep voice saying," 40 million."

This time the whole auction house started murmuring and I heard the auctioneer said with excitement," 40 million and sold. So, this green-eyed beauty is sold to........."

He couldn't complete his sentence when I heard the familiar deep husky voice," 70 million."

I looked at the person and its none other than Raakshas. He is looking at me and smirking.

Suddenly, the person who tried to buy me by 40 million came in front of Raakshas and said angrily," This is not fair. I told the prize first. Stay out of my way, Raakshas."

" You, stay out of my way Alexander. The girl is mine and I have bought her by 70 fucking million," Raakshas barked on that man's face.

Raakshas came forward and holds my wrist tightly. I hissed in pain. I am sure it will leave a bruise. Seeing all this drama I became bewildered for some time.

That man whose name is Alexander tried to grab my another wrist when Raakshas pulled me into his embrace and I bumped my head on his huge broad chest. Raakshas barked on that man's face holding me in his embrace," This girl is only mine. If anyone tries to touch her then I will show him the actual hell from the earth."

I saw everyone's pale face hearing Raakshas's threat. Even after Raakshas's warning Alexander again tried to touch me when Raakshas shoot in his hand and Alexander let out an ear-piercing scream.

I pressed my both palms on my ears hearing the loud sound of the gun. Raakshas again fired in the air raising his hand and declared," this girl is only mine. I am the owner of her. If anyone dares to touch her then I will cut his hand and feed it to him"

Hearing his declaration I saw that everyone is gulping their saliva having fearful expressions on their face. I can hear the painful groans of Alexander.

After that, he dragged me outside of the hotel and threw me over the car. I banged my head and back at the same time and a whimper left from my mouth. 

He almost hovered over me and said touching my lips creepily," What did you say little fairy that you are not a property,  right? Then let me tell you that you are my property. And I have bought you for 70 million."

This time my eyes became blurred with my tears. I closed my eyes due to helplessness. I am crying continuously when Raakshas holds my chin and whispered in my ear," Now, I own you. Do you understand? It's your identity. My property. I think you know your prize right now or I should attach a tag with you."

He emphasised the word prize sarcastically. I asked him with my shaky voice," You did all this just to show me that I am your property?"

" Indeed. You need a reality check and I have given you that. You insulted me, humiliated me and rejected me. Now, how are you feeling after being insulted and sold to me like an object?" He asked me caressing my lips with his rough fingers.

His every touch is making me puke. I am crying badly and saying one thing," You are a heartless monster. I hate you."

" I know that I am heartless. Aab yeey roona dhona band karo( Now, stop your crying). As you are my property I can do anything to you. Just let us reach home first," He said clutching my hairs in his grip.

This time I am so much hurt that I didn't struggle. He pulled me by my hairs and I didn't even hiss in pain. He threw me inside the car. I am in too much shock that I have lost my words. Raakshas also got inside the car and pulled me on his lap. This time I didn't wriggle.

He inhaled my scent and also touched my bosoms sensually still I didn't move nor I gave any reaction. I became numb for some time. Even tears aren't coming out from my eyes.

Raakshas pulled my hair and asked me," Why are you not saying anything? Why are you silent?"

I didn't utter any words and found him groaning in total frustration. He stopped touching me inappropriately and hugged me. He said tightening his hug," Why can't you just accept me just the way I am?

I heard him but said nothing. He is talking about acceptance. I will prefer death than be with him.

The whole car ride he was hugging me and didn't touch me inappropriately. He didn't say anything nor I said anything.

After reaching at the house he dragged me towards his room which is full of my portraits. He threw me on the bed and hovered over me. He started kissing my lips but found no response from me.

" Why aren't you yelling? Shout at me or say foul words. I want to hear your voice," He said to me and I just looked at another direction with my teary eyes.

He holds my chin and said dangerously," I asked you something."

"It doesn't matter that I keep my mouth shut or open. You have found what you wanted. Didn't you want my body? Didn't you want to humiliate me?. See, I am not saying anything. You can do anything with my body. After you are done with then just throw me away with my family. I hope you can do this favour for me," I said all this pouring my all hatred and anger into my words.

Hearing me he stood up from his hovered position and threw a flower vase on the floor angrily. I heard him pulling his hairs in total frustration. He looked at me and barked on my face," Why you woman are always complicated?"

I didn't say anything. Seeing my silent treatment towards him he clenched his jaw in anger.

Suddenly, he started laughing and I looked at him knitting my brows. He said smirking," I know how to make you open your mouth. After one day we are getting married. And trust me, I will make sure that you will react at our wedding night."


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