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Raakshas - A human demon novel Chapter 36

At Hospital

Author's p.o.v

" Why did you do all this?" Vedant asked Niharika angrily.

Niharika replied crying yet angrily," Because I wanted to get rid of you. I wanted to kill you."

" Then, why did you stop? Why your hands trembled while you were going to kill me? Vedant asked softening his voice.

Niharika replied fisting her palm," Because I am not a murderer like you."

" I have given you everything. I have given you luxury and money. I have given you the opportunity to live inside a palace-like mansion. If I didn't come to your........." Vedant couldn't complete his sentence when Niharika snapped at him," Fuck your luxury and money. You have snatched my Amma from me."

Saying that Niharika burst into tears and closed her eyes.

" For your Amma's death, you are responsible. I am not," Vedant replied without any emotion in his voice.

Nihraika replied with her trembling voice," I didn't forget how you killed my Amma. I didn't forget how you raped me when I was pregnant with your triplets. I didn't forget how you caged me inside your cage. I didn't forget your injustice with me."

This time Vedant couldn't control his anger anymore and hold her back neck tightly. He made her look into his eyes which are now looking dark due to anger and hurt.

His hands travelled to her back neck to her hairs. He gripped her hairs tightly and she screamed in pain.

Vedant said gritting his teeth," Whatever has happened with you I am not responsible. You dare to disobey me and run away from me. Last but not least you dared to have an affair with that bastard."

"I will not again say that I wasn't having any affair with him because you will not believe me and I am tired of explaining," Niharika replied sternly without any fear.

They both are killing each other by their eyes when Raakshas entered into the hospital cabin. He is looking too much worried.

" Vedant Tu thik hey( Vedant, are you fine?)" Raakshas asked.

Vedant replied glaring at Niharika, I am fine though some people don't want my well being."

Raakshas didn't say anything about this matter because he knew very well what's Vedant talking about. He is aware of Vedant and Niharika's relationship.

" You wanted to talk about some important matter with me? What's the matter?" Raakshas asked Vedant hurriedly as he has to leave so that he can search for Pari.

Vedant replied to Raakshas," The doctor was telling lies. Pari didn't abort your baby. That abortion was forced on her."

" How can you say with so much confidence?" Raakshas asked Vedant and remembered Abdul chacha's words that Pari might be innocent. Raakshas felt like adrenaline rushed through his whole system. He is feeling too much tensed and guilty.

Vedant replied angrily looking at Niharika," Isshe puch(Ask her). After all, she is behind all this. She will tell you everything."

Raakshas looked at Niharika with his confused eyes and Niharika started crying badly.

She is murmuring only one thing," I have betrayed my friend. I have betrayed her."

" Will you tell me clearly? Raakshas asked.

Niharika replied," I told lies about Pari. She didn't want to abort the baby. It's the doctor who aborted her baby and I was aware of this. The doctor was also forced to perform the surgery."

No sooner had the words left from Niharika's mouth, a hand flew across her face and she closed her eyes due to reflex. But, the hand stopped before it could hit her.

Niharika looked at the hand which is hanging in the air and it's none other than Raakshas's hand.

" Why did you do that? Raakshas screamed on Niharika's face. He is fuming in rage and feeling like to kill her with his bare hands.

Niharika said nodding her head vigorously," I am sorry. I never wanted to tell lies. I was told to do all this."

"Sorry! A fucking sorry. Because of you, I have divorced Pari and now she is missing. You have destroyed my relationship with Pari and you are telling a simple sorry! Huh!  Who told you to do all this? Tell me his/her name?" Raakshas screamed on Niharika's face and she just closed her eyes due to guiltiness.

She is still crying and hiccuping. She tried to say something but her voice stuck inside her throat. No words are coming out of her throat.

" Tell him the name," Vedant ordered Niharika and Raakshas again barked on Niharika's face," Tell me that bastard or bitch's name who told you to tell lies. Otherwise, I will forget that you are my friend's wife."

" Azhar Khalid. He told me to do all this," Niharika yelled loudly and Raakshas lost his control. He threw the medicines from the nearby table angrily. Even Vedant is also shocked.

Raakshas ordered Niharika," Tell me everything from the very first."

" One day I was returning home from the temple after praying when Azhar came to meet me. He asked me about Raakshas and Pari's relationship. I don't know why he asked me about all this. I didn't want to tell him anything but he insisted," Niharika said wiping her tears.

Raakshas asked impatiently," Then?"

Niharika continued," Then, I told him that Pari is pregnant with Raakshas's baby and they are happy in their life. After two days, he again met me and told me to help him in aborting Pari's baby. I don't know what's his problem with Pari's baby. I didn't agree with him instead I threatened him that I will tell everything to you. Then, he said something which made me agree with him."


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