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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 530

Chapter 530 Men’s Exclusive Calice 

Chapter 530 


Isabella also initially liked this dress, although she usually preferred more conservative 

styles. Seth’s words dispelled amyllingering doubts she had. After slipping into the 

dress, she headed straightt for the mirror. Upon closer inspection, she noticed some 

bruises from a recent scuffle amber shoulders. She considered asking for a shawl to 

cover the bruises, but whem she turned around, she saw the staff giving her curious 

looks, clearly taken aback. After a brief pause it dawned on her. “These are from a 


The staff was speechless. 

isabella’s explanation seemed feeble, failing to convince anyone that she w 

to engage in fights. 

Upon seeing their disbelief, isabella felt her cheeks flush. “It was a groupaittercal 

that just happened.” 


10:29 Fri, Mar 29 

hapter 530 Men’s Exclusive @Cake 

The staff stifledtheil daughter, exchanging glances between Isabellal and Sethth. 


sabella opened her mouth and the more she tried to explain, the deeper she dug into 


Meanwhile, Seth observed heriquectly unfazed by the staff’s reactions. “Turn around d 

nd have a look.” 

sabella complied. The dress featured affingeat the hem and a form-fitting fabric on 

he upper body, exuding a blend of fallurecarddeelegance. 

This one.” Seth made the decision.. 

sabella pursed her lips, not yet ready to voice her opinión Before she could 

taff began complimenting her, following Seth’s lead and suggesting she try tw 


Although Isabella wasn’t particularly keen on shopping for olothes,wheenSSeth 

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Chapter 530 Men’s Exclusive Cake 

mentioned, “Put it on Dariel’s account.” she turned to the staff and said, “Bring me all 

the ones in that row to try on.” 

Seth felt speechless. 

Isabella playfully teased Dariel while trying on multiple outfits. 

Seth sat outside with his fruit juice rapidly cooling in his hand. 

The observant staff attempted to offer him a fresh cup but quickly retreated at the sight 

of his cold, piercing gaze. 

Isabella tried on several outfits but ultimately settled on two sets. As she prepared 

leave, she noticed Seth was still holding the fruit juice. “Aren’t you going to discard th 

fruit juice?” 

Seth took a sip. “It’s still drinkable.” 

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Chapter 530 Men’s Exclusive Cake 

Isabella nodded absentmindedly. 


Upon returning to the VIP area, it was already late. Isabella and Seth were greeted with 

cheers as they entered the private room reserved by Leonard for a midnight 


Sporting a bruised face, Bloom approached Seth and asked, “Seth, did the rain earlier 

affect your performance?” 

Isabella felt an inexplicable sense of unease on the sidelines. She shuddered to think 

about what might have transpired without the rain. 

Unable to catch Seth and Bloom’s conversation, Mandy pulled Isabella into 

atmosphere. The venue was vibrant, with almost everyone Isabella knew pre 

except Dariel and Natasha. 

At the center of the room stood a dessert table, drawing a crowd. Leonard, dressed in 

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Chapter 530 Men’s Exclusive Cake 

chef’s attire, sat solemnly at the dessert table while Courtney perched on a high stool. 

Isabella glanced around and recognized Mr. Walter, who had made chocolate for her 


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