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Rebirth: Fast Track Love novel Chapter 16

"Manager, I heard that the new comer is a girl?"

"Yes, Ken! I've heard about it, too. Is it true? Who is that girl? Who is she? "

Ken reached out his hand and knocked on the heads of these teen-agers, laughing, "why do you ask this?"

"I'm curious. Ordinary people can't afford racing. It costs a lot of money to train on the track every day. It must be the daughter of a rich family!"

"But who would allow their daughter to race? It took me a lot of effort to persuade my parents to come here! Ken, just tell us! "

Ken smiled and said, "Keep it a secret now. You will know when you see her!"

They stood at the door and waited for almost another one hour, but still no one was seen. Someone was so bored waiting, "Is she coming or not? It seems that the airs are a little big! I'm dying in the sun! "

Under the scorching sun, Ken also stopped smiling and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "You can go to training. You don't have to wait here."

"Well, let's go!" Several members waved to Ken and trotted to the training ground.

Ken stood at the door and waited for a while before he received the news.

"What? Not coming today? " Ken asked with his eyes wide open.

"Yes! I just received a phone call saying that they won't come! " The club staff sighed, "what the hell! If they don't come, why don't they tell us earlier! We have wasted half a day! Damn it! Ken, what is the background of them? "

"Mr. Harold."

"Mr. Harold? Which Mr. Harold? " The staff asked in confusion.

"From the capital."

Ken said the three words in a low voice, and the staff's expression changed suddenly and asked in surprise, "no! Is it him? When did Mr. Harold become interested in racing? "

"I don't know." Ken shook his head and sighed, "a few days ago, Mr. Harold sent his men to discuss with us. I thought he was very interested in racing. But today, it seems to be just a whim. "

Ken and the staff walked to the training ground while chatting. The team members who had just run around saw that there was no one else beside Ken, and they ran over curiously and asked, "Ken, didn't you say that there would be a new member joining today? Where is she? "

"Well, it is said that she couldn't come today."

"No! Ken, you've been waiting so long, and they won't come if they don't? Why didn't they tell us in advance if they didn't come? How impolite! " Jack Huang scolded angrily.

"Maybe something unexpected happened!" Ken patted the shoulders of several members and said with a smile, "Hurry up and train."

"Okay." The teen-agers nodded and watched Ken leave.

Jack looked at the direction in which Ken left, then looked at the club members beside him and angrily said, "This new comer hasn't arrived yet. She is quite arrogant. I don't care who she is. When she comes, I have to teach her a lesson. "

"You are right!" The members responded.

Wendy didn't know that she had already aroused the dissatisfaction of the club members before she joined the club.

It was not easy for her to calm down, so she stood up and took the water from a man in black to rinse her mouth. "Thank you."

Wendy looked at the car with a pale face. Can't she step out this step?

She was not reconciled. She couldn't just give up. Wendy clenched her fists and took a deep breath. She turned to look at Harold and said, "I'm sorry for the delay. Let's go there quickly."

Harold stood still and looked at her. His deep eyes seemed to see through her soul.

"Well, what's wrong with you?" Wendy asked with a frown.

But Harold still didn't speak, and the atmosphere became awkward.


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