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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 255

Chapter 255 

Eric took a deep breath. It’s okay. You passed out, and I was bringing you home when we got targeted. That was my oversight.” 

I felt like Eric had more to say, but he held back

What did I do? When I woke up, there were traces of blood under my nails. 

We should head to the hospital for a full checkup; you’re pregnant,” Robin and Stella were 

concerned about me

I want to see ColinI whispered

The hospital first,Stella shook her head. Search and rescue are on Colin’s case. You showing up will just cause chaos, especially with the baby.” 

Tears welled in my eyes as I reluctantly got into the car. 

He’ll be alright because you’re waiting for him.Just before I got in, Eric said something out of the blue, assuring me Colin would be fine

Tears pooled in my eyes, and my chest ached fiercely

Please, don’t die… 

Colin, please don’t die

These guys are all alive; this one’s still breathing.The police were checking the yard; the people who came to kill me were still alive, which eased my worries

Don’t be scared.Seeing me trembling from the start, Stella wrapped her arms around me. I stared blankly outside


It didn’t feel like fearApart from worrying about Colin, I couldn’t seem to feel anything 


The moment we arrived at the hospital, I saw Dexter

He got out of his car, looking at me somewhat frantically. I heard about CalebAre you okay?” 

He seemed genuinely concerned about me

I frowned and instinctively stepped away from him. It’s none of your business.” 

PhoebeHis voice was fraught as he called my name

I ignored him

But he lingered like a bad smell, following me around

With Eric off looking for Colin and Robin assisting the police with the scene, only Stella was left by my side

Can you show some shame? She’s Foebe, for God’s sake. Could you back off?Stella chastised Dexter, hands on her hips

How can you be so shameless? Phoebe was so good to you, gave you all her kindness, and how did you repay her?” 

Dexter seemed deaf to Stella’s scolding, probably used to it by now. He shadowed me, accompanying me to every medical checkup

I was annoyed and told him to get lost, but he wouldn’t budge

Dexter, you’re annoying,” I said, getting angry

PhoebeHe seemed more convinced than ever that I was Phoebe. You went to the Langley family’s place; Julian had injured his hand, and Henry got into his car surrounded by bodyguards. I heard from the Langleyswhen Caleb had his accident, you went back there, stabbed Julian’s hand with a fruit knife, nearly killed Henry” 

I stiffened, shocked at Dexter’s words. What are you talking about?” 

Dexter’s eyes flickered as he clung to my wrist, seemingly excited. You don’t remember what you did, do you? The Langley’s servants said, if you hadn’t suddenly fainted, defenseless Henry would have been a goner.” 

I frowned. I didn’t believe Dexter, but he had no reason to lie

Was this what Eric wanted to say

In that short span of time after learning about Colin’s accident, the memory losswas I responsible for this

How did I manage that

Phoebe, don’t listen to his nonsense. You can barely hold a knife steady to peel an apple; he’s lying through his teeth,” Stella snapped back to reality

But then, Stella fell silent. Because Robin sent her a footage from Colin’s villa’s security 


In the video, the dog lunged and bit the man trying to kill me


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