I blinked, a sense of dread washing over me. Somehow, I'd known it all along.
Deep down, I'd harbored suspicions about Damian too.
You can't catch a fox without entering its den, and Colin would never have let me approach Damian without a plan. So, he checked himself into the mental sanatorium voluntarily, hoping to dig up some dirt.
"Find anything?" I whispered.
"He's got a knack for messing with people's heads... a real talent," Colin murmured back. "He's a master of psychology, skilled in hypnosis and the strategic use of drugs."
I shivered, fearfully clutching Colin's wrist. "You shouldn't have tangled with him..."
"But I found his Achilles' heel." He leaned in close, his breath tickling my ear. "His daughter..."
I glanced sideways at Colin. "His daughter?"
"While I was in the psych ward, I noticed Damian, obsessed with his research on the mentally ill, interrupted his consultations three times to take calls. Each time, his face lit up with a smile, and the caller ID showed 'Sweetie Pie.' The voice on the other end was that of a young girl, definitely under thirteen, calling him 'Daddy.'"
Colin's voice grew cold as he continued. "Phoebe... I've done my homework on Damian. His eldest daughter was born to his ex-wife, just a couple of years before you, born with serious genetic issues, a rare disease. There wasn't much news about her after a few years, and rumors started to circulate that she had passed away. His younger daughter, born to his current wife, should be thirteen now."
Colin straightened up, looking down at me. "Phoebe, there's something off about Damian."
I looked up at Colin, it took a moment before I could speak. "Before my memory loss... did I know something? Did I tell you anything?"
Colin's gaze darted away, and he looked down. "Damian might be connected to the recent dismemberment cases. I suspect he's covering his tracks."
A knife borrowed to commit murder.
So, Colin had been following the trail all this time.
"When did you start suspecting Damian?" I asked, wary of Colin's familiarity with Damian, which didn't seem to be just a recent development. Damian's own eagerness regarding Colin seemed equally premeditated.
The readers' comments on the novel: Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe)