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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 339

Finn was teasing, a wry smile etched on his face as he thought about the plight of the Langley family, a dynasty that would give anything to rid themselves of a child born with flaws. How much more would the average families do the same?

"And these two kids’ parents... they've turned down community fundraisers, sold off all their assets, and were living a life full of regret," he mused. "They blamed themselves for letting their kid enter that high-pressure talent contest, for the unbearable stress they allowed to pile on the child's shoulders, cursing their own helplessness..."

They truly loved their child. But ironically, those who truly loved were the ones being exploited.

Turned into weapons of murder, like lambs to the slaughter. They were innocent, their sorrow profound.

It's as if the rope of life frays most at its thinnest point, and the silent cries of despair from these powerless commoners were just too heart-wrenching.

What depths of despair must they have reached to willingly walk the path of becoming someone else's executioner?

"Community fundraisers? Which families received such donations? From a charity, you say?" I furrowed my brow, pressing Finn for more information.

"Yeah, I looked into it. It's all been orchestrated by folks from the Angel Fund. They've been the beacon of hope for the folks at the bottom in Sea City and have a sterling reputation in the charity world. Nowadays, if a family's kid gets sick, they're eligible to apply for support from the Angel Fund," Finn shrugged nonchalantly.

I took a deep breath.

Angel Fund.

It sounded all too familiar.

"It's the charity foundation established by Dexter's mother..." My voice was a whisper, hoarse and trembling.

I hoped it was all just a coincidence. Otherwise, the game was too grand, the spiders on the web too numerous. How were we, mere insects, to survive on this vast net?

"Society itself is a web. There's no absolute good or evil. The world isn't just black and white," Finn spoke calmly. "The person you consider utterly vile might be a devoted son. The great philanthropist you admire could have a trail of blood behind them... Every great fortune casts a long shadow, without exception. Do you think any of the world's richest are spotless? Free from skeletons and bloodshed?"

This world is like a giant grinder, where living in blissful ignorance and simplicity is the greatest freedom.

"Did you find out who funded the big prize money behind the contest back in the day?" Robin asked Finn.

"It was the Angel Fund," Finn replied with another shrug.


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