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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 356

After a brisk fifteen-minute run, I finally made it back home.

The butler, hard of hearing, was fussing over the garden, giving the deserted yard a somewhat forlorn appearance.

The wind picked up, hinting at an impending downpour.

I dashed into the living room in search of Colin but came up empty.

Bedroom, bathroom, guest room - he was nowhere to be seen.

I raced back out to ask the butler, who couldn't hear or speak, where Colin might be.

Without the knowledge of sign language, I was at a loss for words.

The butler, sensing my panic, gestured towards the backyard.

Taking a deep breath, I headed there, only to find it just as empty.

I thought maybe he'd be in the basement, our little secret hideout, but it was vacant.

As I turned to leave, I spotted Colin in a corner. He was curled up next to a doghouse, holding Coly, whispering, "Coly, she doesn't want me anymore."

I approached him slowly. "Isn't that dirty?"

Colin didn't look up, just kept holding Coly, choking up. "You don't want me anymore."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"I'm so tired, Colin," I whispered.

Colin looked up with guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry..."

He seemed all too good at apologizing.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I shouldn't have locked you up, shouldn't have... hurt you, and tied you down."

He spoke softly.

"Is it really you who imprisoned me, hurt me, and tied me up?" I asked, frowning.

He looked down, nodding.

I didn't say anything, unsure how much truth or lie was in his words.


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