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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 388

"Colin..." I struggled to get out, my legs giving out beneath me as I fell to the ground.

"Phoebe... he's the mastermind, don't trust him."

"Melody is one of Damian's, I'm sorry..." he whispered, holding me close and murmuring apologies.

He actually knew Melody was with Damian.

It seemed all this time, his foolishness was just a facade, a way to gain Melody and Damian's trust.

When did he start to suspect something was amiss?

After my supposed death?

So, his suicide attempts, self-harm, and even the drastic change in his behavior and personality were all to deceive, to make Damian and Melody believe he had been brainwashed, hypnotized?

Then what was Dexter's true motive?

"After you disappeared, I've been digging... I knew Melody was involved in your case, but the deeper I looked, the more I found. It's not just about a series of murders; it's bigger, involving even the Fitzgerald family," Dexter's grip on my hand tightened. "Phoebe... Can you trust me just this once?"

My head felt heavy, the colorless, odorless carbon monoxide weakening my legs and draining my strength.

"Don't trust Caleb, don't trust anyone but me, Phoebe... I'll get us out of here, I won't make the same mistake again," Dexter's voice grew fainter.

And then, I passed out, my strength failing me yet again.

"Click, click..."

Some time passed before the lights in the hallway flickered on.

I squinted, slowly opening my eyes to the dim, cramped space.

We were safe here, for now.

But what came next wouldn't be so easy.

"It's the ventilation system kicking in; the gas is being cleared, should be alright now," I heard Bran's voice from outside.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I looked around; Dexter was gone.


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