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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 410

Even in the distant future, could consciousness be transferred into silicon-based entities, allowing humans to transcend their 'flesh' and become something between machine and man, or even... coexist in a more terrifying state of shared consciousness?

"Hey!" With no time for further thought, I banged hard on the merry-go-round's metal railing, trying to catch the attention of those people.

"Spread out! Draw them away, take them down one by one," I yelled to Robin and Bran.

Bran sprinted in the opposite direction, leaving Robin behind.

Robin glanced at Bran with a mix of frustration and admiration for the younger man's energy.

In a flash, Bran clambered up the slide and then leapt down, tackling one of the chainsaw-wielding attackers from behind.

I rushed over, kicked the chainsaw away, and floored the guy with a solid kick, knocking him out cold.

"Tie him up," I decided. One down.

Behind me, Colin had another masked figure in a chokehold, his eyes gleaming with lethal intent.

"Don't kill," I frowned and shook my head at him.

These people might not be hired assassins.

They seemed... ethereal, as if they were haunted by fear.

"Scream!" A terrible scream echoed as the two with broken legs were discovered by a chainsaw man and mercilessly killed.

Instinctively, I stepped in front of Colin, realizing... subconsciously, I didn't want him to witness the bloodshed.

Just like how Colin had shielded me before.

Colin looked at me, silent.

"Phoebe! Colin, watch out!" Stella's voice came from a hiding spot, her warning sharp.

I turned just in time to see another chainsaw attacker bearing down on us.

Colin and I backed away, trying to figure out how to take them down one by one.

"Hide! That madman's starting again," I guessed, feeling the timing was about right.

Every ten minutes, like clockwork...


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