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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 431

Dexter was gone, and with him, her last shred of protection vanished into thin air.

Melody, selfish to the core, harbored a sliver of genuine affection for Dexter. Her dependence on him was profound, her fear of losing him even more so. She viewed Phoebe with envy and fear, obsessively plotting her downfall.

But now, Dexter was out of the picture.

In that moment, Melody felt as if she had lost her soul. Nothing made sense anymore.

"It's your fault he's dead!" Stella shouted. "Though he wasn't a saint, you're far worse!"

Robin looked pale, casting a glance downwards. "We need to get down there, fast."

The seventh floor was like an unfinished construction site, shrouded in darkness, seemingly without electricity.

No windows, no way to tell day from night.

The damp air was thick around us as I looked at Colin. "This place isn't rigged. If we find the fire escape, we can get out without triggering any traps."

But with no light, finding that escape would be a challenge.

Peering through the darkness, we could barely see our own hands in front of us.

"We'll have to feel along the walls. I'll lead, just stay close," Colin whispered, marking the wall before guiding us forward.

This building, abandoned and incomplete, was left untouched to avoid detection, its upper floors transformed into a deadly maze designed to ensnare us.

The floor was vast, filled with the scent of raw concrete, void of any distinguishing features.

After a complete circuit, we found ourselves back where we started, the exit still elusive.

"Where's the fire escape?" Stella asked.

I grabbed Colin's arm to halt him. "Colin..."

He squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Don't worry. Stand here, I'll look around. If I find it, I'll knock on the ground to signal you."

My grip on his shirt tightened, my breathing quickened.

I was worried about him.

The risk of encountering someone else on this floor was real, and our unseen enemies wouldn't let us escape easily.

"Don't be afraid," Colin whispered softly.


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