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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 466

Caleb seemed to be venting as much as he was trying to distract me from our earlier conversation.

My breath hitched, cheeks flushed with the heat of the moment.

He deftly stripped off my clothes, the hot droplets of water on my skin contrasted sharply with his icy fingers.

In that moment, my mind went blank under his fervent touch.

This jerk... must've watched too many of those late-night shows.

"Caleb... you bastard..." I gasped for air, the shower's heat and his relentless kisses making it hard to breathe.

Was he trying to suffocate me?

Just as I caught my breath, ready to cuss him out, he kissed me again, relentless...

Where did he learn this aggressive kissing? It was all over the place... unmethodical.

His hands wandered without restraint.

"Caleb..." I was on the verge of tears, unable to think of anything else.

He kissed the corner of my eyes, pinning me against the wall...


The sound of the shower drowned out my breaths and sobs, this bastard... I don't know where he learned to be this way, tormenting me till the wee hours last night, and now continuing his assault.

My legs trembled, my body pressed against the cold tiles, shaking in its entirety.

"Caleb... you bastard..."

Colin was behind me, gently nibbling, as if to soothe me, but his movements below were anything but gentle.

"Mmm..." His voice was hoarse, as if acknowledging my insults.

"Are you ever going to stop..."

"Mmm." He continued, responding to whatever I said, but it only infuriated me more.

"Caleb!" I tried to push him away, but I was too weak.

He grabbed my wrists, seeking my lips from behind.

I felt tears betray me, probably out of frustration.

"I never thought... you'd come back to me... how could I dare hope..."

His voice was raspy, as if ready to drown in this moment with me.

"How could I dare..."


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