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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter and Phoebe) novel Chapter 468

Zoe's body had vanished. Finn and Robin scoured the area but came up empty-handed. It was likely Annora who had taken it, but with Annora now dead, no one knew where Zoe's remains had ended up.

"Annora was part of the Rebellion Syndicate. The organization was bound to take her out. She purposely let the syndicate's goons snatch her, aiming for the cops to trace them back to their hideout and rescue those kidnapped 'prodigies,'" I whispered, setting my cup of coffee on the table. "That move tore a hole in the organization's operations."

The organization had a sprawling criminal network that spanned from human trafficking to unethical medical experiments, including gene cloning, and even a global supply chain for organ transplants, surrogate pregnancies, and various substances used in the beauty and anti-aging industry.

Every day, tens of thousands of people disappeared worldwide, becoming like lambs led to slaughter, eventually served up as a feast for those at the top of the societal pyramid.

They 'feasted' on human blood, 'gnawed' on human bones, trampling over life and human rights.

Finally, a group of people emerged, ready to fight back against the darkness and the organization. This group, starting with a series of serial killings, set the stage for a deadly game.

Entering the game meant facing a dead end.

Dylan had said as much in the ruins of an old building.

Every rebel against the organization was both a victim and a murderer. From the moment they joined the fight, they were stepping into a deadly trap.

Annora was no different.

She knew she was marked for death, so she threw herself into the fray, using her fragile body to tear a corner off the Gene-Forge Collective's veil of deceit, exposing the darkness underneath.

"The police will continue to investigate, it's going to be a long process, but with the rescued 'prodigies,' they're bound to uncover more leads and keep digging," Bran shrugged. "So, it's time for us to get back on track. I need to focus on my college entrance exams, and you guys need to get on with your lives. We'll leave the rest to the cops."


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