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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 319

"Irene, where are you?" Now I heard Faith's voice come through. She was here too?

Did they call me just now because they were already close here?

I couldn't help but cough. The noise outside was getting louder, someone probably came to put out the fire.

Bailey handed me a wet cloth. "Ms. Finch, cover your nose and mouth with this. Help is on the way. We'll be fine!"

I nodded and looked at the Morses and saw their faces filled with panic. They just lost their son, and now this? If they got hurt, I would never forgive myself.

I felt awful. If I hadn't come here, they wouldn't be in this mess. Clearly, someone was out to get me and hurt the Morses as well.


A sharp noise came from above. I looked up to see the old beams, already a bit worn, beginning to loosen with the spreading fire.

This was the closest I'd ever been to death, but I tried to stay calm. I could hear the fire truck sirens in the distance. If we could hold on a little longer, we might be saved.

But the Morses’ house was too old to withstand this for long. When the beams finally gave way, I heard Mia scream, and I leaped towards her without thinking.

Maybe it was guilt, but I was willing to do anything to protect Oscar's parents.

I felt a heavy weight hit my back, followed by a searing pain. Then I felt water pouring down, putting out the fire on my back.

"Irene!" Neil's voice rang out, sounding desperate. "Irene, answer me!"

I wanted to reply, but I'd inhaled too much smoke, and my throat was in agony. It was hard to speak.

Something seemed to be pinning me down, immobilizing me.

Just as I was about to pass out, I felt the weight lifting off me. I managed to lift my head and found that Neil was looking at me, his eyes red. The moment he saw me, his tears fell.

"Neil..." I croaked, barely audible.

I wanted to say that I was the Morses' bad luck charm.

I wanted to ask about the Morses and about Bailey.

But I couldn't speak. Then everything went black.

I must have been burnt on my back.


When I woke up, I was in pain and realized what had happened.

I was in a hospital gown, lying on my side. Neil was asleep on the edge of my bed.

He looked like he hadn't slept well; his brows were furrowed even in sleep.

He must have been watching over me all night.

I tried to move, but the pain in my back made me gasp. The slight sound woke Neil up.


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