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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 359

Snow was a doctor herself, with pretty good skills at that. So why the heck couldn't she figure out how to get her son's health back on track? It was really baffling.

Every time I looked into Hiram's eager eyes, my heart ached. I was on the verge of caving in.

But then I remembered my promise to Snow, and I dropped the idea like a hot potato. I couldn't just take Hiram out willy-nilly. If something happened, it'd all be on my head.

I didn't want my good intentions to backfire.

"Maybe next time, kiddo. Once your mom gives the green light, we'll go out. Deal?" I said gently.

"No!" Hiram suddenly threw a fit, and tears welled up in his eyes. "You're all liars! I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

With that, he ran back to his room and slammed the door, leaving me standing there, totally thrown and worried.

After what felt like forever, Snow finally came home. She looked like she'd been crying.

"Thanks for watching Hiram. We'll continue the treatment in three days." She said in a hoarse voice.

"Sure thing." I didn't ask any questions. My head was spinning anyway.

I exchanged a few words with her before bolting out of there and driving back to my apartment.

To my surprise, Russel was waiting for me right at my doorstep.

Sensing a stranger, Daisy barked from inside the house.

"When did you get a dog?" Russel asked.

"That's none of your business. How did you know I was here?" I was in a bad mood, and it showed in my voice.

Russel held a small box in his hands. I had no idea what was in it. He smiled and said, “Mrs. Finch told me.”

I was speechless. With my mother as his sidekick, Russel could easily keep tabs on me.

But I wasn’t going to let him get close to me again. I was going to avoid him like the plague.

I was about to open the door, but Russel didn't move. He seemed to have no intention of leaving. I warned him. "I have a Tibetan Mastiff. If you don't want to get bitten, I suggest you don't follow me inside."

With that, I opened the door, and Daisy rushed out, barking its head off at Russel.

Russel took out some meat bones and dog treats from the box and put them on the ground. The smell immediately caught Daisy's attention.

Daisy's reaction left me speechless. I was hoping it could guard the house and protect me. But now it seemed like as long as there was food, Daisy might even help thieves find where I stash my cash.

My mother must have tipped Russel off to bring these treats to distract Daisy.

It seemed like my mom was eager to tell Russel everything about me to give him more opportunities to get close to me.

"I have something to discuss with you. You'll definitely be interested." Russel said as he crouched down to Daisy.

"Just spit it out here." I said, refusing to let him into the living room.


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