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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 38

After Barbara left, Stella, Alicia, and I started chatting. It wasn't until half an hour later that Norman and his parents showed up.

Norman knew we were tight with Barbara, so he brought his parents over to say hi, "Irene, Stella, Ali, y'all are here."

"Of course we would be. Barbara getting engaged is a big deal." Stella responded.

I shifted my attention to Norman's parents. Norman's dad seemed pretty happy, but his mom looked far from pleased.

On such a festive day, why was she wearing such a long face?

Barbara also marched over with her parents.

Norman instantly greeted his future in-laws and flashed a smile at Barbara. Barbara returned the smile.

Stella, Alicia, and I also chimed in with greetings. We were pretty familiar with Barbara's parents, so it wasn't awkward, but it was our first time meeting Norman's parents, and only Barbara's second or third time. Apparently, they had been living in their hometown far away from the city.

After exchanging pleasantries, Barbara and Norman whisked their parents away for a chat. I let out a sigh, "I have a feeling Barbara's future mother-in-law might be a tough nut to crack."

"She seems like a real piece of work. I bet Barbara might regret this in the future." Stella had never been for Barbara getting married this soon. Norman's career was still up in the air, they might even have to scale down the wedding. What the heck was she marrying him for?

Alicia hushed us, "This is Barbara's engagement party. We should say something auspicious."

Stella and I exchanged a helpless glance.

A match of equals makes for a happier marriage.

At noon, the banquet started. Stella, Alicia, and I were having a blast. Neil and his crew kept to their table and didn't come over, but I didn't care.

After the engagement party wrapped up, Alicia hurried back to work. Stella got a call from home urging her to go back and sort things out. I got caught up in a chat with some others, said goodbye to Barbara, and then left.

Before leaving, I made a pit stop at the restroom. As soon as I stepped out, I saw Neil in the hallway not far away. Bonnie, in her Orchid Hotel uniform, stood by his side.

"If you're short on cash, just tell me. This job isn't for you." Neil was saying to Bonnie, his voice a bit muffled from the distance.

I strained my ears to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Mr. Whitmore, I've already rejected you. We come from different worlds, and I have a boyfriend. I hope you stop popping up unexpectedly like this." Bonnie's voice was clear and sweet as ever.

"I've told you, I’ll get what I want." Neil's tone suddenly turned stern, "I've given you plenty of chances. Don't keep pushing your luck."

I shook my head. This guy might scare her off.

Sure enough, Bonnie whimpered, "What do you want then? I know I can't fight you, but I can avoid you!"

"You think you can run from me?" Neil chuckled, probably finding Bonnie's defiance amusing.

Bonnie wanted to say something else, but Neil cut her off with a final warning, "You have one week to break up with him, or face the consequences."

With that, Neil left.

Bonnie stood there, helpless, her shoulders shaking as if she was crying. I didn't comfort her and left from the other side.

Downstairs, Neil was waiting for me in the car. I got in calmly, "Let's go home."

Inside, my seemingly calm heart was rippling. I hadn't quite reached the state of true peace and acceptance. I had only witnessed Neil's crazy love for Bonnie, but never every moment they spent together. This time, I saw a glimpse.


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