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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 406

"Thanks. You better get going. Take a shower and change into some clean clothes."

I called out to Neil as we reached the car.

His expression was apathetic, seemingly unbothered by his soaked state at the time. Faith insisted on him getting a taste of hardship, and there was nothing I could have done about it.

"All right, I'm off then." After a brief reply, Neil headed back home with his umbrella. I instructed Norah to get in the backseat with Serena, then hopped into the driver's seat, ready to go home.

Upon arriving home, my mom noticed the doll and asked, "Did you buy this for Serena?"

I hesitated for a moment, then gave a small nod, "Yeah."

Norah seemed taken aback and looked like she wanted to say something, but I shot her a warning look. She was a smart woman. She knew better than to speak out of turn.

"Why didn't you get one for Brandon?" My dad questioned, noticing the doll.

"Well, it was just a little gift that came with a clothing purchase. There was only one. I'll get something for Brandon later." I came up with an excuse on the spot. If my parents knew the doll was from Neil, they would have probably thrown it away immediately.

Despite everything that had happened between Neil and me, I wanted to keep that gift for Serena. The child was innocent, and I didn't want to deprive her of that small token from her father.

Thankfully, my parents didn't probe further, simply placing the doll aside. Serena and Brandon were still too young to play with toys, so it would have had to wait until they were older.

"Rena, do you know which hospital Russel is working at now?" Stella, carrying her child, came over to visit three days later. Mitch had been quite busy at that time. So, she often popped over for a chat.

"I'm not too sure. He's been really busy and hasn't been home much," I replied, munching on some fruit.

In truth, I hadn't asked much about Russel's work situation, even which hospital he ended up at. He was a man with a clear sense of boundaries and plans, and he didn't need me meddling.

Stella glanced at the kitchen where my parents were bustling around, then lowered her voice, "You should be careful then. I heard he's working at the same hospital as Karina!"

"What?" That news took me by surprise. Russel had previously warned me to avoid Karina and not to believe anything she said. Then he was working at the same hospital as her, essentially becoming her colleague.

What was going on?

Russel was a talented doctor. I was sure there were plenty of hospitals in Eldoria that wanted him. The choice was ultimately his, and he didn't need to compromise for the sake of a job offer. Why did he choose to work at the same hospital as Karina?

"I heard it from Mitch, but I'm not sure, so I came to ask you. It's really strange," Stella gossiped, "Didn't Karina initially pursue Russel? They had a complicated relationship, why would they end up working at the same hospital?"

A sense of unease settled in my heart. I never really considered being with Russel, I didn't want to interfere with his life. But if he had to get entangled with someone, it could have been anyone but Karina.

Russel had warned me to stay away from Karina, and then that? I felt like I was being played.

"I don't know. I'll call him later and ask," I responded.


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