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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 42

One evening, after Ryan finished his social engagements, he struck up a conversation with me since I was around. Then he got to the point.

"Irene, have you ever thought about working in the company?" he asked.

I was a bit taken aback. Then he shared his thoughts with me.

He told me that he was pushing Neil to deal with the chemical plant issue as soon as possible. He had heard Neil was chasing after a girl, so he wanted to make Neil busier with this.

The renovation of the chemical plant was a big project, involving cooperation with the government. Once Neil got busy with this, he’d definitely have less time to chase other women.

But they felt it wasn’t enough. My in-laws agreed that I should also work at the Whitmore family’s company, at the headquarters with Neil, to keep any other women with designs on him at bay.

In fact, it was Neil himself who had bad intentions towards other women. And I don’t have any work experience. Right now, my dream is to become a cellist.

In my previous life, my in-laws were fair to me, but never favored me. The gifts I gave them in this life seem to be working wonders.

"Irene, we know you're not interested in business. Your family also has a company, so you don't have to join Whitmore Co. We just hope that you two can stick together for life and not let external factors ruin your marriage. Take your time to think it over. No need to rush an answer," Faith said warmly.

I was touched by their concern. I worry that in the end, it's not Neil that I can't let go of, but them.

"Alright. I'll think it over carefully and give you an answer," I nodded.

We chatted for a while longer, but it was getting late. I returned to my room for some rest.

This was originally Neil's room. After we got married, it became our bedroom, but we seldom come back together and we rarely slept together.

Neil's room was spacious, with a private bathroom, closet, balcony, and even a game room. There were some of his things from his school days. Among them was a photo album with pictures of him and his friends. The most frequent face in the album was Russel.

I flipped through it for a while, then put the album back with a sigh. The always handsome Neil will never be mine, so the more I looked, the more upset I became.

Because of my in-laws' concern and my intention to get closer to them, I stayed at their place for four days before returning to Rosemont.

Faith had always enjoyed farm life. She had cultivated a vegetable patch in the backyard and raised a few chickens. Before I left, she stuffed my trunk with homegrown veggies and live chickens.

"Bailey, drive safely. Irene, message me when you get home," she instructed.

"Alright. I'll head home now," I nodded.

"Don't worry!" Bailey seriously promised, "I'll drive safely!"

She watched us leave. I was expecting to get home in time for lunch, but I wasn't sure if Ada had prepared anything. She didn't know when I'd be back.

I woke up to Bailey calling me, "Ma'am, we're here."

I rubbed my eyes, stretched, and then instructed him, "Bring everything from the trunk inside."


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