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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 443

I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for Serena and Brandon, thinking of Neil's gentle tone when he'd picked up Hiram earlier.

Neil would have been such a wonderful father, if only...

After spending some time with the kids, I carried little Yara out and headed over to Russel's place.

He was already at work, but I knew the key and the code to the front door, so I let myself in with no trouble.

Daisy and Boomer were sleeping but awakened at my entrance. Daisy barked a few times, thinking we had an intruder, but upon recognizing me, her barks turned into happy tail wags.

I gave the two adorable creatures a smile before carrying Yara up to the guest room on the second floor.

After settling her down, I sent Norah a text asking her to stay over at my place tonight and keep Serena and Brandon company.

Once everything was arranged, my phone rang. It was a call from Stella. She must have shown great restraint to hold off calling me this long. Her temperament had clearly mellowed over the past few days. The old Stella would have been hounding me with calls every minute.

"Rena, tell me you knocked that vixen out cold!" Stella demanded hotly.

"I didn't, but she'll probably quit tomorrow," I replied.

"Quit? She can do that? Women like her are experts at clinging to men. I know she won't be easy to get rid of. That jackass Mitch, trying to take my child, getting tangled with a woman like that. I'm so over it," Stella scoffed bitterly.

I filled Stella in on the details, and she fell silent for a while.

I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but I was certain she still had feelings for Mitch, which were shattered by Ariana's appearance.

Had Mitch been smarter, if he'd apologized sincerely before things got too serious with Ariana, he might have been able to convince Stella to give him another chance.

But he was a fool, his brain apparently devoured by zombies.

"I see," was all Stella said before ending our conversation.

I sighed, glancing at Yara asleep on the bed. Her dad was such a blockhead.


The next morning, Norah sent me a text. [Ms. Finch, Mitch has left.]

Left? I checked the time, it was already ten!

I quickly turned to check on Yara, but she was gone!

I felt as if I'd been struck by lightning. I shot up and checked under the bed and in the blankets, but Yara was nowhere to be found.

Had a thief broken in and kidnapped her? The thought chilled me to the bone.

Panicked, I dashed out of the room and ran downstairs.

"Bark! Bark!"


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