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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 470

Hiram's words caught everyone off guard, causing a sudden shift in the atmosphere.

At that moment, Ryan and Faith were vying to hold Serena, seemingly showing her more affection. But I knew, it was merely their sense of regret.

"Hiram, what nonsense are you talking about?" Karina swiftly bent down, gripping Hiram's shoulders with a stern tone, "Your grandparents love you the most, and you're their only biological grandson, how could they prefer another child? Ryan, Faith, don't you agree?"

She looked at Ryan and Faith for confirmation.

The others exchanged glances, all curious but too timid to speak up.

Ryan and Faith glanced at Serena, then at Hiram. In front of everyone, they couldn't admit to preferring another child, not to mention they genuinely loved Hiram. After all, he was their great-grandson, no reason not to spoil him.

"Absolutely, Hiram, your grandparents adore you the most!" Faith reluctantly handed Serena back to me, with Ryan also refraining from continuing to hold her.

Faith threw me an apologetic look, then hurriedly joined Ryan in comforting Hiram.

Hiram pouted, letting Ryan and Faith coddle him. It was clear how much they loved him. Who else could throw a tantrum in front of Ryan and Faith? Only Hiram had the privilege of being patiently soothed by them.

Serena, with her innocent, bright eyes, seemed oblivious to what was happening. Her tiny hand gripped my collar as she whimpered, her pouted lips indicating she was probably hungry.

While everyone was focused on Hiram, I moved Serena to the side and prepared a bottle of formula for her.

Suddenly, Mitch quietly approached me, a complex expression on his face. I was not fond of him, so I ignored him, continuing to feed Serena.

"She's very well-behaved." Mitch suddenly said, his eyes filled with sorrow as they focused on Serena.

"Uh-huh." I responded, uninterested in prolonging the conversation.

"My three kids are all well-behaved, but it's been a while since I've seen them. I wonder if they're behaving." Mitch's voice was heavy with sadness.

I scoffed, "Don't worry. Stella will take good care of them. Just focus on yourself."

Mitch caught the frostiness in my tone, "Do you think my mistakes were worth a divorce?"

The fact that he even asked this question told me he still hadn't grasped the gravity of the situation. Stella was right to be firm. If she had softened and continued the marriage, the problems would only intensify.

"Since you still don't understand your faults, stop regretting and stop bothering Stella." After feeding Serena, I picked her up, moving away from Mitch.

However, he persisted, thick-skinned as ever. He asked me to send Stella a video so he could see the children.

It turned out Stella had been ignoring Mitch's calls and video chats, and he hadn't seen the children for days.

I had to admit, Stella was formidable in this regard.


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