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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 491

Karina cast an unwilling glance at me, her eyes revealing her defeat. All the while, I remained calm and collected.

Judging by her reactions, I was winning. I could even use her to completely dispel the Whitmore family's suspicions about my two children.

With business concluded, I paid the bill and left the mall, taking a cab back home.

These past days, I've been threatened by Louis and Karina. I felt like I was under siege. In a few days, Faith and I were planning to go to Heavenly Mountain to give thanks for my children's health. I looked forward to washing away this string of bad luck.

However, to my surprise, when the day came, not only Faith came to pick me up, but also Neil, Karina, and Hiram.

We planned a three-day trip. I decided to bring Serena and Brandon along and fly directly from the airport to Heavenly Mountain.

Faith got out of the car to help me with the children. Karina offered help too, but I declined.

"You can stay in the car with Hiram," Faith told her coldly.

"Alright," Karina frowned, returning to the car to accompany Hiram.

Neil was responsible for driving. From the window, he glanced at Faith and me. His sunglasses concealed his eyes, revealing a straight nose, sharp thin lips, and well-defined jawline.

Faith slowed down and quietly explained to me, "Irene, I didn't want to bring Karina along. But Hiram insisted on coming and bringing Karina. I had no choice."

I knew how much Faith adored her grandson. If Hiram insisted on going to Heavenly Mountain and bringing Karina, she would have been persuaded.

"I understand, it's okay," I smiled lightly. In fact, I found it better this way. With Karina present, she would obstruct Neil and Faith from getting closer to my children.

Since Faith and I had to hold one child each, Karina sat in the front passenger seat, while Hiram sat with us in the back.

As soon as he saw me, he glared at me, making faces as if he wanted to fight me.

Faith immediately scolded him, "Hiram, what are you doing? That's no way to behave."

Hiram grunted and continued to glare at me.

I guessed he disliked me because Karina might have punished him. Even though I didn't reveal everything on his birthday, Karina must have figured out something.

Hiram was just a child. His sense of right and wrong was still hazy. He didn't even realize Karina was leading him astray.

"I'll sit in the middle," Faith offered thoughtfully, placing herself between me and Hiram.

Neil glanced back, warning Hiram with a stern look but didn't say anything.

It was Karina who spoke, "Hiram, you can't be rude, understand?"

Hiram grudgingly responded with a "Hmm", then fell silent, staring out of the window.

The atmosphere in the car was rather tense. Apart from playing with the children, Faith barely spoke to Karina. Karina, in turn, didn't make any deliberate attempts to please Faith, only occasionally conversing with Neil.

Upon reaching the airport, we boarded the plane on time, flying towards Heavenly Mountain. Throughout the journey, Faith was the perfect grandmother, taking care of all three children without showing any favoritism.

However, when lunchtime came, Hiram started throwing a tantrum.


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