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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 504

Chapter 504

As I picked up the small ball from the ground, Stella had finished gathering the rest. Not forgetting to shoot a glare at Neil, she grumbled, “Don’t help Mitch bring stuff over here again. Next time I see you, I won’t even open the door!”

Neil retorted coldly, “You think I want to do this? Even if you and Mitch got divorced, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s your kids’ father. You refuse his calls, his messages, and even the stuff he buys for the kid. Do you think you’re blameless?”

“Why are you blaming me? Blame Mitch for making me sick. If he hadn’t, we wouldn’t have divorced.” Stella was defiant, never one to back down in front of Neil.

Neil frowned at the mention of Mitch’s stupidity. Before he could reply, Stella, in a sudden outburst, questioned, “Do you think I’m like Rena? Do you think I could tolerate as much as she does?”

I was exasperated. This woman and her quick tongue was a habit she’d never ditch.

Neil’s face darkened, his gaze falling on me. I was just an innocent bystander in this. I had nothing to do with their quarrel.

With an irritated look, I signaled Stella. Realizing her mistake, she looked a bit embarrassed. “I just think you men always assume that people will forgive your mistakes. It’s frustrating. Not everyone has the patience to deal with it!”

“You’re you, she’s she. Don’t lump them together.” Neil replied, clearly annoyed.

“Alright, Stella, let’s go inside.” I didn’t want Stella to drag me into their argument anymore, so I tried to usher her inside.

Stella, carrying a pile of bags, walked towards me. I took a few bags from her, and a thought suddenly struck me. Neil was here to deliver stuff anyway. Why didn’t he just give the music box to Stella’s kids? He should hate Serena and Brandon, right?

His behavior was indeed strange. Initially, I assumed it was just a gift from a client that wasn’t suitable for Hiram, and so he gave it to me. But given the current situation, it seemed unlikely.

When our eyes met, Neil didn’t look away, he was surprisingly calm.

“Why are you still looking at him?” Stella noticed me looking back and quickly reminded me in a low voice. “Stop looking. He’s a jerk.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at her comment. I didn’t need her reminding me, I was well aware of that. I wasn’t looking back because I missed him or anything, I was just puzzled by what happened last night.

Barbara and Alicia were surprised when they saw us carrying so many bags. “What’s all this?”

“Some so-called love for the kids from a certain someone.” Stella replied grumpily.

I explained. “Mitch sent some stuff over for the kids.”

“Really, some men… Barbara sighed in frustration. “Isn’t the best way for a man to love his kids is to love their mother? Why can’t they get this simple thing?”

We all exchanged glances, sharing the same question.


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