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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 70

"Mom, these medical reports can be forged. Don't trust her too easily," I said, quickly taking away the report.

Mom just nodded blankly, tried to get up to leave, but the next second she suddenly passed out.


After rushing Mom to the hospital, she was whisked into the ER. After the check-up, the doctor said she had arrhythmia. She must have been seriously rattled by Geneva back at the cafe.

But Mom's condition was not too bad, a few days in the hospital, then some good rest and care should do the trick. Sitting in the single room, watching mom already deep in sleep, my mood was in the pits. In my past life, she endured all this on her own, never letting me in on her pain. I was not s good daughter, but luckily, life had given me a second chance to make it right.

I dozed off without even realizing it, only to be woken up by a grumbling voice from next door, some guy griping, "Ah, I don't need to be hospitalized or surgery! You guys are just fussing over nothing, it is a waste of money."

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't be bothered to get up and check, I just rolled over and went back to sleep.

"Mom, I'll go grab some breakfast for you." The next morning, after I freshened up, I told Mom and then set off to grab something to eat.

As I passed the room next door, I saw a few familiar faces. Bonnie and Ada were hovering around the bed where Dean was lying, the family caught up in conversation.

"Madam!" Ada spotted me and came over joyfully, "What brings you here? Feeling unwell?"

"Ada, you're not working for me anymore, no need to call me Madam, just call me Irene." I said with a smile, then turned to Bonnie.

Bonnie also broke into a smile, walking over saying, "Irene, never thought I'd bump into you here. Mom told me she used to work for you, I was so surprised!"

I smiled even more warmly, "Yes, indeed, it's a small world, isn't it? What happened to your dad?"

Dean obviously recognized me, the woman his brother had knocked out, so he quickly averted his gaze, looking rather awkward.

"He has a heart condition, needs surgery." Bonnie glanced back at her father and said.

"Is it serious?" I asked, somewhat surprised, "Do you need any help?"

Ada replied, "Irene, you're such a kind-hearted woman, thanks for the offer, Bonnie has a friend helping out. We're fine."

I sneered inwardly, so that was why Neil rushed back in the middle of the night the other day, huh?

Bonnie looked at me, her face still adorned with a warm smile, but her eyes no longer held that innocence of before. She probably saw me as a rival, but I couldn't care less, because I was planning to wait for Neil to initiate the divorce anyway.

"Alright, Ada, I need to go get breakfast for my mom, she's got a bit of a heart issue and is staying here." I said my goodbyes politely, waved at Ada and left.

As I reached the elevator, I waited expressionlessly for the doors to open, but I didn't expect to bump into Russel. He was in his white coat, with a medical record in hand, wearing his usual gold-rimmed glasses, still as aloof as ever.

Seeing me, he frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"My mom's sick." I replied, equally surprised, "Why are you back?"

"I ended my exchange program early." Russel stepped out of the elevator, standing before me, "How's your mom?"

I told him about mom's heart issue, he nodded, "Mm, she needs to rest well, keeping her emotions in check is crucial."

"I know, alright then, Dr. Russel, off you go." I instinctively glanced at Dean's room.


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