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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 34

As Jocelyn felt gross, she suddenly saw Katherine's stare to Arthur. She sneered. It seemed these people were not good guys.

She took what she had to take, and she did not want to have any emotional dispute with them anymore.

“Arthur, it is getting late. Let’s go.”

Hearing Jocelyn's words, Father Turner, who was enthusiastically talking to Arthur, suddenly changed his face.

Clare immediately realized it and said in a sharp voice." Jocelyn, what are you saying? It’s the first time he comes our house. If others know we don’t leave him here to eat lunch, others will think it’s because we are mean to him."

Jocelyn directly said with a cold look.

“He never eats out. He has already saved your face by drinking two cups of tea.”

Arthur was solider. Even he was doing a civilian service in the army, his background and status in the past was unable to be underestimated. His enemies outside was countless. Bodyguards was around him when he got outside, for fear of accidents.

So, Arthur took risk to show up here. Jocelyn was really surprised.

Hearing what she said, Clare was a little embarrassed. Father Turner gave her a glance, blaming her for meddling. Then he turned around and said with a concerned and kindly look.

“Of course, of course, it is safe not to eat out. Let Jocelyn accompany you home. We can’t rest assured if you stay out too long.”

Arthur was still in a blank expression. "It is all right. It is okay to eat out occasionally. "

That made Jocelyn astonished. What was he exactly doing here today?

At the table, Arthur and Jocelyn were sitting together. Their opposite were Katherine and Alex, which was quite interesting. Their eyes would meet when raising head.

“Brother Arthur, eat this.”

Katherine suddenly stood up and put beef in the plate in front of Arthur. "This is our cook's signature dish. It is really delicious."

Jocelyn looked at Katherine disgustedly. She was swing her waist, which made her think of snake.

She was too dissolute.

However, Arthur did not reply but frowned. Then he pushed the plate in front of Jocelyn and took his own glass to drink water. He ignored Katherine and still kept his blank face.

The atmosphere froze.

Even though Jocelyn was so pleased to see this, she could not let them think he didn’t save face from them. He ignored the Turners frankly. She did not know where to find the courage to take the beef and put it right in front of Arthur's mouth. And pretended to be reluctant.

“I know you are not used to eating outside, but you have already sat down here. Just have a taste. Save face for my sister, she is just a bashful girl.”

She wanted to throw up when she heard what she had said.

Arthur also gave her a deep look, feeling incredible. He looked at her as if he were looking at a psychopath.

I’m doomed! Jocelyn thought to herself.

And this was the only thought she had in her mind. She must be crazy so she dared to do this. It was impossible he would eat this!

When she was thinking this in her head, the impossible thing happened.

Arthur suddenly withdrew his gaze, raised his hand to Jocelyn’s shoulder and grabbed the hand she was about to take back. Then he bit the beef and chewed slowly.

Jocelyn was totally stunned. Why he was willing to do this? What the hell?

Not only Jocelyn, other four members of the Turners looked more shocked than her. If they had doubted Jocelyn's position in the Morrison before, what would they still doubt when seeing this?

Katherine was so angry that her face twisted.


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