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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 39

Before Arthur responded her, her hands had touched his chest.

"Why is it so difficult to serve you?"

There was a murmur coming out in front of his chest, with some resentment.

He was about to scold her but he said nothing. He looked down at her quietly who was unfastening all the buttons of his pajama jacket.

Perhaps because of being indoors for so many years, Arthur's skin was white, and he was very strong. Although it was not the first time that she saw his body, it was the first time that she observed his pectoral muscles so closely in bed.

Jocelyn suddenly tightened her hands which was holding his shirt, and her heartbeat sped up.

"How long are you going to look at my body?"

There was a cold voice overhead.

She loosened her hands quickly, "What did I look? What can I see? You... Take it off yourself."

Arthur was reluctant to argue with her, and he pulled up the sleeve on the injured side.

Jocelyn blushed and she dared not look at him carelessly any more. She simply lowered her head and honestly changed the dressing for his arm. She recalled the method of cleaning up the wound in her memory and ordered him.

"It's still the same as before. You can't touch water. There is no need to bandage the wound after the scab formation, but it will itch. Don't touch it at that time."

Arthur just responded "Hmm" and said nothing.

"Don't you say 'thank you' to me?" Jocelyn looked at him.

"I got injured in order to save you."

"Those guys are obviously coming for you," Jocelyn raised her eyebrows, "Obviously, I was involved in it because of you. If I don't stand with you, I'll be fine at all. You've made my knee hurt!"

Saying that, Jocelyn pulled up her sleeping skirt and impolitely revealed a pair of white legs and a pair of purple knees.

When she was pushed aside by Arthur that day, her feet were soft and she crashed directly into the edge the road, but she didn't shout that she was injures at that dangerous time.

Arthur's face changed slightly, and he turned his head to the other side.

"What? Do you want to pretend that you haven't seen it? My knees are as green as the hilltop, but you just ignore. You are just deceiving yourself in this way."

Arthur was a little nervous as he listened, reminding her.

"Tidy up your clothes."

Jocelyn looked down at herself and found that her white thighs and the corner of her knicker with the picture of cartoon yellow man had been exposed.

Damn it! She had pulled her skirt up so highly that her thigh root had almost been exposed.

She pulled down her skirt and coughed to hide her embarrassment, "What? It doesn't matter. I wear bikinis on the beach in summer. And we're the couple."

Arthur frowned and looked at her meaningfully.

No matter what she did, it seemed that as long as she said that "we are the couple", everything had been valid.

After this small episode, Jocelyn packed up the medicine box and Arthur put on his pajamas and sat at the bedside and read.

Jocelyn was in bed and was looking at her cell phone happily. She was so excited that she didn't notice that Arthur was looking at the screen of her cell phone intentionally or unintentionally.

Under the headline of the news, written "Polly, the actress in the auction, donate thousands of gold to reclaiming the justice for her good friend" which was marked with the quotation marks, there were millions of the comments

"The actress can be one representative that the drama in which she played a role is famous but she herself is not famous at all. She has been on the stage for several years. And there are so many good dramas with ratings above 6.0 in which she played a role. It is very easily for her to be famous!"

"She is good-looking, and it seems that she doesn't have a plastic surgery."


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