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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 42

There was courtesy and alienation in Jocelyn's eyes. Then she said frankly.

“Dr. Warren often goes into the Morrisons, you are not an outsider. But I think it’s better to call you more politely. Our families will not misunderstand, but I’m afraid of the outside people will misunderstand.”

Antony’s face slightly changed. He looked at her spuriously. "You..."


Before he could finish his words, a crisp voice interrupted him.

Jocelyn consciously pulled her hand back and saw Julia was back. She almost darted to Antony and grabbed his hands. Happiness on her face was about to overflow.

“What are you doing here, Antony? When did you get here? oh, you don’t tell me."

Even there was no those little things in her memory, Jocelyn knew clearly why Julia had always hated her.

She always thought, Julia had thought that her older brother was an excellent man, if he wasn’t disabled, he would never get married with this timid and ordinary woman like Jocelyn. She felt aggrieved for her older brother.

But it seemed this Antony was the main reason.

Only when it came to women’s interests, they would have the greatest hostility and become aggressive.

Julia did like Antony. She had no secrets to express her feelings to him.

But Antony probably liked Jocelyn judging from his attitude. Julia did not necessarily know that, but she might see Antony always took care of Jocelyn, which made her jealous.

“Well, you continue to talk. I will go outside to see why Arthur has not come back yet.”

Jocelyn was clever, she stood up and walked out.

She did not want to make enemies. After all, Julia was the second daughter of the Morrisons. Although she could not be friends, it was not a good thing to be hated under a same roof. All she could do was to stay away from Antony. Even she would took the risk of offending him.

“Antony, I have not seen you for a long time. I call you but you didn’t answer my phone. Every time I went to the hospital to visit you, these interns said you were busy, do you hide from me?”

When Jocelyn just got to the door, she heard this grumble. This Julia was enchanting, she wasn’t that unreasonable woman in front of Antony, which made her shiver.

“Of course not!” Antony embarrassedly stood up and left the position of sofa. "Well, it is late. I have to go, goodbye. Miss Morrison."

“I said I do not like it when you call me Miss Morrison. Just call me Julia.”

“I have to go.” Antony's eyes were chasing the figure at the door. He seemed hurried.


Julia grabbed his arm in both of her hands. Then she clenched her teeth and said.

“You always know what I’m interested in you. I have been waiting for you all these years. Why do not you just look back at me?”

Hearing it, Antony's face got a little white. He hesitated for a while and finally turned around.

“Miss Morrison, there is something I thought I had made quite clear. You are a girl. I can not say it too directly, but I think you do know it.”

“I do not know!”

Julia’s face turned red. "What did I do wrong? You tell me, I can change it for you. "

“You did nothing wrong.” Antony frowned. "It is just because we are not right for each other."

“Do you have a crush on someone?” Julia continued questioning.

Antony just froze there. He didn’t know why that timid figure in his memory just popped out.


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