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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 62

Arthur was also stunned. Suddenly, He blushed and was out of breath.

"Get out, get out..."

Jocelyn was still stunned and lied on the ground motionlessly. After a while, she regained her consciousness and nodded like a fool, "Oh, oh..."

Then she looked extremely stiff and mechanically got up and went out of the bathroom. Closing the door, she stood outside the door with her white face blushed.

Her mind was full of the red and purple private part just between his legs.

He... Wasn't it true that he couldn't? It turned out that he could not only be able to do that, but also he was so strong that...

Thinking that his underwear was torn up by a maid that day, she couldn't help feeling that his willpower was so strong that he even could restrain himself in such an exciting occasion.

Late at night, when Jocelyn took a bath and got out the bathroom, Arthur had gone asleep.

She frowned and looked at her pillow and quilt on the big bed. She was annoyed that why she had not taken her bedding away in advance. She had no choice but crept over.

Just touching the pillow, Arthur opened his eyes and startled her.

"What are you doing?"

"I... I won't disturb you. I'll move back to my original room to sleep."

Although she did not think Arthur would want to do anything to herself, after seeing that scene just now, she could not convince herself to sleep with him again.

Arthur looked indifferent and did not stop her. "After moving back to your room, I hope you will not move back for any reason. My room is not the hotel."

Jocelyn was stunned.

There was no problem that she moved back to her original room and slept there for two days. But if she always slept in her original room, she could not conceal Selena. Now her status in front of Selena was supporting by sleeping with Arthur in the same bed. Once she promised Arthur and moved to her own room, she would never move back and would lose the support. So how would she make a decision?

Hesitating for a while, she still climbed into bed. Unlike what she did usually, she was nervous, like a boiled shrimp, and lied down with her back facing Arthur. It seemed that another three more people could also lie down between the two.

Arthur who was always indifferent, suddenly wanted to play a trick on her.

"Don't turn off the lights today?"

The figure whose back faced him shuddered apparently. "Oh." Then she got up and turned off the light.

In the darkness, Arthur looked at her stiff back for a while and asked.

"If you really want to be powerful in the Morrison family, you can really have some relationship with me and then give birth a child. Isn't it more advantageous to you?"

Jocelyn heard clearly his words. Suddenly, she threw away the quilt and stood on the ground looking at Arthur on the other side, who was staying in his original position motionlessly.

After perceiving the mockery in his eyes, Jocelyn suddenly became angry and looked at him for a while, grinding her teeth, and then she teased.

"I don't mind having a child with you, but can you be able to do that? Do you think that you Some things can't be done by force."

are capable of making love as long as your private part between your thighs has the reaction to the stimulus?"

Arthur suddenly looked shocked. It seemed that he did not expect Jocelyn would be so shameless.

But Jocelyn had made it clear that although Arthur was very strong, his two legs were injured. Even if she was now lying here nakedly, she did not believe he could do that.

Thinking this, she relaxed herself, climbed back to the bed. And as usual, she occupied most of the bed, even showed a provocative look to Arthur.

"It's too late today. We can discuss the matter of giving birth a child when we have much time. Good night."

Jocelyn comfortably closed here yes and soon fell asleep.

And beside her, Arthur quickly restrained the disguised anger and stared quietly at the woman beside him with his bright and sane eyes.

Chapter 62: But Could You Be Capable of Doing That 1

Chapter 62: But Could You Be Capable of Doing That 2


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