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Regal Guard of Dragon novel Chapter 182

"Laszlo, you don't have to worry about this. I think Finn is not someone narrow-minded. He thinks it's not worth bothering us, Lin's Family. Moreover, his relationship with his mother-in-law is not good. Just consider it as Olive helped him get revenge with her by beating her. He probably doesn't care about it."

"However, Laszlo, you still have to tell your wife not to be so arrogant. You can't be lucky every time," Lazarus said in a deep voice. Olive had been arrogant towards people outside because she could rely on Lin's Family's power. Usually, Lin's Family could turn a blind eye to this, but once Olive put them into a crisis, they wouldn't let her off.

"Have you heard what Lazarus said? Stupid!" Laszlo couldn't help to cursed Olive.

"I heard that. I won't do it anymore in the future." Olive nodded hurriedly and promised. She was in danger today. She learned her lessons.

"In the future? You still want to have a future! From today, you stay at home obediently. And you are not allowed to go anywhere!" Laszlo yelled at her.

"Yes, yes, I'm not going anywhere." Leah nodded hurriedly.

Finn drove Maura to Xia's Family's company.

At this time, Hank and Iona, who had finished their work, just came out of the office.

Hank was in a good mood, and Iona's expression was bitter. She was obviously dissatisfied with Hank's skill, but she didn't show it. Instead, he hugged Hank affectionately and said, "Hank, I am yours now. You have to treat me well."

"Hey, as long as you are obedient, I will 'treat' you well." Hank showed a lewd smile on his face and deliberately said the word "treat" a little louder. He mistook Iona as Kiara on the desk just now. He found out that it was fantastic.

Iona wasn't as beautiful as Kiara, but she is more obedient. She could almost do any pose for him, giving him the enjoyment of the emperor.

"Hank, I will be obedient." Iona had a smile on her face, but there was a subtle contempt in her beautiful eyes. "Huh, idiot! If it weren't because you made me a vice president, do you think I could like a loser like you?" Iona thought with disdain.

After exiting the elevator, the two went straight to the parking lot in front of the company.

At this moment, a black Koenigsegg CCXR drove into the company gate.

The sharp-eyed Iona noticed it immediately and hurriedly pulled Hank, pointing to Koenigsegg CCXR and said, "Hank, is that your grandpa's car?"

Grandpa's car? Hank was stunned and looked in the direction Iona was pointing. His eyes widened. He was scared out of his wits.

Why was it that Koenigsegg CCXR!

Even though it was late autumn, Hank's forehead was covered with a layer of cold sweat. There was no doubt that the Koenigsegg CCXR was the car he almost hit at JS Hotel before.

At that time, his Audi stopped less than ten centimeters away from this Koenigsegg CCXR. If it hadn't been for Kiara's reminder, he would have hit it directly.

Although he didn't bump into it, Hank was frightened, covered in a cold sweat. He could only be relieved after hiding his Audi in the corner.

Now that this Koenigsegg CCXR appeared again, the first thing that came into Hank's mind was that Koenigsegg CCXR's owner knew that he almost hit his car, so he came to find him!

"Hank, what's the matter?" Iona was a little puzzled. She looked at Hank's expression. He was so panicked and terrified. Even if Scott did come over, he didn't need to be like this.

"Iona, I can't send you home today. You can take a taxi and go home." Hank swallowed, turned around, and ran after speaking. His first thought now was to run!

Let's run away first!

The owner of Koenigsegg CCXR was not someone he could offend!


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