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Regal Guard of Dragon novel Chapter 186

However, many of Xia's Family employees took this seriously.

"I think President Xia did the right thing. If we can get along with Ye's Family, giving the Spring Hill project to them would be nothing, let alone selling it at a low price."

"That is true. Ye's family is the leader of City C's real estate industry. It is one of the top five families. Ordinary families would never have the chance to step into Ye's Family social circle."

"Who will look down on our Xia's Family if we have relations with Ye's Family? I also think President Xia has done a good thing for Xia's Family this time."

Scott heard everyone's whispers, but he got even sadder. He didn't expect that there were so many short-sighted idiots in Xia's Family.

Forget about the truth of Hank's remarks.

Take a step back and think, even if what Hank said was true, why didn't these people think, why would Ye's Family help Xia's Family?

Verbal promises were the least reliable thing these days.

Only benefits were eternal!

Even if Xia's Family wanted Ye's Family's help, Ye's Family simply wouldn't help Xia's Family. Unless Xia's Family could bring Ye's Family great benefits!

They would even throw stones at Xia's Family if they got into trouble!

Scott understood this truth better than anyone else.

Taking a deep breath, Scott said coldly, "B*stard, I don't care how you babble, and I don't care what Ye's Family promised you. I will give you three days!"

"You go and get back those projects you sold at a low price. Then I'll pretend you didn't do anything."

"Grandpa, this is impossible!" Before Scott finished speaking, Hank hurriedly interrupted. Asking him to go to Liam and those second-tier families to return the projects, wasn't that asking him to get killed? Those people, they were all vicious and greedy. Hank had no power nor influence. How could he ask them to return it?


Scott slammed his cane on Hank's face. A red mark of finger length immediately appeared on Hank's face.

"Unworthy son! I'm not negotiating with you!" Scott exasperated and shouted, "If you don't come back with those projects returned, you can get out of Xia's Family's house!"

"Grandpa, even if you killed me, I still wouldn't come back to those projects." Hank gritted his teeth. Scott's word didn't affect him. He would die if he went to ask them to return the projects. But if he didn't go, Although Scott would punish him and even kick him out of Xia's Family, he could save his life.

"You b*stard! You think I won't kill you?!" Scott was furious. He raised the crutch in his hand high, and he was clenching his teeth. He was ready to throw the crutch on Hank's head at any time.

Hank had no choice. He closed his eyes. He was betting that Scott wouldn't dare to do anything to him.

He was right.

After a while, nothing happened. Scott couldn't do it in the end. He knocked the crutches in his hand on the ground and cursed angrily, "My Family is unfortunate! My family is unfortunate!"


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