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Regal Guard of Dragon novel Chapter 412

So it proved only one thing.

Behind Wendy, there was a Martial Arts Grandmaster indeed!

Moreover, the relationship between this Grandmaster and Wendy was not simple.

The internal power that he remained in Wendy's body would take at least five years to accumulate.

Most people had no idea what it meant for a Martial Arts Grandmaster who cultivated over five years to accumulate internal power.

If the Grandmaster who behind Wendy infused his five years of cultivation of internal power to an ordinary person, that person would reach the last stage of the Obscure Period in a very short time!

It was even possible to reach the first stage of the Transformed Period.

But now, this internal power had been used on an ordinary girl.

There was no doubt that this was a considerable cost.

Who was the Grandmaster behind Wendy?

Why didn't he teach Wendy directly turn her into a Martial Artist? Why did he use the internal power to protect Wendy instead?

Were there some secrets on Wendy?

"Mr Finn?"

Once again, Zander reached out his hand and waved it in front of Finn, who was regaining consciousness and overthinking.

"Mr. Finn. What are you thinking so absorbedly?" Zander couldn't help asking.

"Nothing." Finn shook his head and laughed, and then said, "Uncle Zander. Please don't tell anyone anything about Wendy."

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person." Zander nodded his head; He had a close relationship with Davin, and he knew that the world was far less straightforward than it seemed.

In addition to the world of ordinary people, there was a world of Martial Artist.

The world of the Martial Artist was a hundred times more dangerous than the world of ordinary people.

What happened to Wendy today might be involved in some essential secrets of the Martial Artist world.

After coming out of the hospital, Finn's face was a little gloomy.

Although Wendy was out of danger, it happened for real that she almost died.

Without the protection of internal power, Wendy would have died when she got hit by a car.

After Finn took a deep breath, he took out his phone and called Rachel.

It was the first time he took the initiative to contact Rachel since he came to City Z.

He must give a clear explanation about what happened to Wendy today.

After the call got through, Rachel didn't wait for Finn to speak then said, "I know what you want to ask me, but I can't tell you."

"Why?" Finn's tone was calm, which made people tremble in the heart.

"You're not able to deal with them." Rachel's voice was a little exhausted and also a little helpless.

Finn squinted his eyes, "That's not a reason."

"Yes, that's the reason!" Rachel's attitude became tough.

"Finn. I want you to understand that rabbits bite when they are anxious, and dogs jump over walls when they are anxious."

"Now you are just an abandoned son of Chen's Family."

"Your identity is far less noble than you think."

"The other party even dares to kill the Chastity, let alone kill you. If you really push them, you won't see the sun next day."

"Wendy almost died." Finn's tone remained calm.

"She just nearly died, not dead!" Rachel's voice was a little unfeeling.

Rachel had investigated the background of Wendy for a long time. Her family background was ordinary; her parents are ordinary textile workers, and Wendy had nothing special except her appearance.


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