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Regal Guard of Dragon novel Chapter 523


Travis stopped his attack, with the head of the sword standing at a distance of three inches from Sasuke Saito's face.

He was so depressed. How could this viper yield at this moment?

''I yield!'' Sasuke Saito said coldly.

''But not because that I am not as strong as you.''

''I yield because of your inner armor!''

''You are nothing without that armor!''

Sasuke Saito stepped down the stage after he had satirized Travis.

While Travis was so awkward that his face flushed.

Of course, just as Sasuke Saito had mentioned, Travis won the battle with that inner armor's help. Without that armor, he could have been killed.

''The winner of the third round goes to Travis! Sasuke Saito, lose!''

The judge announced the result reluctantly. In this battle, Travis was completely ashamed. His strength should be better than Sasuke Saito, but he was far behind Sasuke Saito in terms of strategies.

Sasuke Saito only pretended to be weak, but Travis then became overconfident.

Otherwise. he would not be harmed so seriously.

''Travis, will you stay on the stage and wait for another challenger?''

''I will choose to go down,'' Travis replied with humiliation. Now he was badly wounded. Therefore, if he remained on the stage, he was merely humiliated himself.

''OK, everyone has a rest for ten minutes.''

''Ten minutes later, we will have the next battle! Players from the QS Chamber of Commerce and City Z Chamber of Commerce must be ready!'' The middle-aged judge said heavily.

At the same time, people from City Z Chamber of Commerce became worried.

Up to now, there had been three battles.

Among them, City Z Chamber of Commerce had sent three players while the QS Chamber of Commerce had only sent one.

Such a situation was not good for the City Z Chamber of Commerce.

After Travis went down the stage, he went to the corner directly as if he was embarrassed when faced with the public.

''Long, it's your turn.''

Rick turned his eyes on a calvous youth.

Finn took a glance at him, finding that he was the Buddhist disciple whom Queena Yuwen had mentioned before.

And his teacher, Master Kong, was sitting in a VIP seat now.

''Brother Rick, whom I am going to fight against?'' Long asked. He had swarthy skin, and his face was filled with firmness. He was more like a soldier if he hadn't been calvous.

''Fil Sakurai,'' Rick looked at the QS Chamber of Commerce seats, ''He was a ninja nurtured by QS Chamber of Commerce and was good at controlling hidden weapons. You must pay attention to his hidden weapons during the battle. Because if you can defend the attack from his hidden weapons, you will beat him simply.''

''OK! I will be careful.''

Long nodded with a solemn expression. Although this was the first time for Long to fight against an opponent with hidden weapons, he would win the battle no matter what happened.

Because City Z Chamber of Commerce would be at a great disadvantage if he lost the game.

''Finn, how could you know that Travis was in great danger?''

Queena Yuwen finally asked the question when Rick and Long were discussing their plans. Because she could still not understand why Finn knew that when the two competitors were still fighting against each other vehemently.

At that time, she had believed that Finn was talking nonsense. But no more than one second, her suspicion disappeared completely.

Therefore, he was curious about why Finn could know that in advance. Could he foresee the future?

''I know that through my eyes,'' Finn replied casually. Because he had no time to explain his abilities with her. Even if he did that, Queena Yuwen could still not understand.

''How?'' Queena Yuwen asked again with a sense of curiosity.


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