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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 27

Once the case ruling was given, Maya and Xander left hand in hand. There was a tense atmosphere between them. Maya didn't speak a word since the ruling was given. Xander was worried that the little progress their relationship had made would be abolished by the memories dredged up by the trial. He absolutely hated the silence between them but he also feared saying the wrong thing and hurting Maya. He was always mindful of Maya and her feelings now.

"So... The company...?" Xander spoke hesitatingly.

"Hm? Oh yes... I wanted to take the company and leave it for Sam. It is his birth right. He can handle the operations of the company when he grows up. It will help provide for Sam's upbringing now." Maya said.

"You intend to run the company yourself? It will be difficult to manage the position of Deputy Councilman as well as the position of CEO." Xander reminded her.

"Yes, I know. I plan to hire a CEO who will be able to take care of the company and report to me. Meanwhile I can work as the Deputy Councilman." Maya replied to him.

Xander nodded thoughtfully and asked her, "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"Yes. There is a person who would be perfect for this position. I met her on one of my missions when I was just starting out as a Team Leader." Maya replied.

"Her?" Xander asked, "Who is she?"

"She is Bella, a vampire, one of the younger ones. She is someone who rarely makes friends. But once she does make you her friend, you can trust her blindfolded. It is just that..." Maya trailed off.

"It is just what?" Xander prompted her.

"Ryder might have some objection to her presence." Maya said frowning.

"Why would Ryder object to this? He is also a vampire, so it can't be a problem of the species." Xander asked lightly.

"Heh.. let it be. Their problem... it cannot be explained. You will understand when you see them together." Maya replied, as she  shrugged her shoulders.

"Hmm.. perhaps it will be interesting or even entertaining. I have never seen Ryder losing his cool easily." Xander replied.

Maya and Xander went together to pick up Sam from his friend's house.


Dylan was hanging around with the new Team Leaders Ryder, Jeff, Andy and Marina in the conference room. They were waiting for Maya to come. It was on the agenda to discuss the new responsibilities given to them by the Council.

"Do you think Maya would be fine? The hearing would have definitely reopened her old wounds." Dylan commented solemnly.

"Also, the ex-Luna, Claire, she kept on yelling at Maya shamelessly. I just wish I could have slapped her silly." Marina ground out angrily.

"Why do you think Maya asked for the company?" Jeff threw the question to the room. Try as they might, none of them found the demand logical.

"I asked for the Forrester company so that Sam could inherit it when he is older." Maya said. She had entered the room as Jeff was speaking.

"It is understandable." Dylan said, "However, a gesture of goodwill would have helped further your career."

"I know." Maya replied. "However I intend to avoid the office politics as much as possible."


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