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Rejected, And Became A Heiress (Cara) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 0103 

Cara’s POV 

Is it time yet? Can we go?Mia shouts excitedly

Not yet. We need to finish getting ready,I respond for at least the tenth time

We’re going to DarkWood today!! And Ethan gets to come, too!Mia exclaims

All morning, she’s been so excited about her hospital appointment in Pack DarkWood. She has barely taken the time to eat her breakfast, too energetic to sit still

Ethan smiles happily to himself, taking another bite of his own breakfast. As his mother, I can tell he’s also very excited to finally get a chance to go, but he’s trying to play it cool

Like he’s steeling himself for something, I think to myself

I shake the thought from my head, trying to stay focused on the difficult task of getting two very energetic sixyearolds out the door without forgetting anything

Are you coming with us, Honey?I call to my best friend Ruby who’s sitting next to Ethan

She shakes her head no, I’ve got to spend time packing my luggage today. Now that Ethan has finished his competition and proved himself as the science champion-Ruby ruffles his hair affectionately with her hand, making the boy smile wide and blush, I’ve got to prepare for my trip.” 

I frown slightly, sad that Ruby will be leaving us shortly. She’ll be off to study at the Illari School, a prestigious medical school that has been researching disorders like Mia’s. Ruby hopes to return with a cure

But none of us are sure how long that might take

We have no idea how long she’ll be gone

This thought is still in my mind as I hug Ruby goodbye, holding on for a few precious extra seconds, and get the children buckled in the car to venture to DarkWood

When we arrive at the hospital, Mia skips inside, eager to introduce her brother to all of her favorite nurses

The little girl’s face falls and she notices we’re not exactly receiving a warm welcome

Instead of smiles and Good mornings!,the people that pass us instead say nothing, not even looking at us

It’s like we’re not even there

The staff ignores us completely, leaving Mia feeling very nervous. Why aren’t they being friendly, Mommy?she whispers to me.. 


Chapter 103 

+25 BONUS 

I hold her little hand tightly, escorting both children to Mia’s appointment room. I’m not suremaybe everyone is just really busy?I offer

Mia bites her lip and shrugs, not convinced

You didn’t tell me it was going to be like thisI hear Ethan whisper loudly to his sister

Usually it’s not! I don’t know….Her voice trails off, disappointment noticeable in her tone. Mommy, my belly hurts….” 


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