Chapter 0120
Cara’s POV
go I’m awash with relief when Dr. Marlow finally tells me that Mia is permitted to back home. I whisper my thanks up towards the Goddess, not sure if my prayers had helped my daughter, but I figure it’s worth a shot either way.
I gather up Mia’s belongings and get my daughter safely into the car. We ride home in silence, Mia drifting in and out of sleep and me drifting in and out of my thoughts.
By the time we get back home, back to our little cottage on the edge of the Pack BloodyMoon Alpha villa estate, one thing is absolutely clear to me.
I am finally done with Alaric Grant.
A sense of peace comes over me at that realization. Finally, this saga is coming to an end.
“Mommy! You’re back!” I hear Ethan’s voice call to me, followed by the sound of the front door closing.
I walk out of Mia’s room to see Aidan and Ryan accompanying my son, making themselves comfortable by plopping onto the couch.
“Come on,
let’s get you into bed,” I plant a kiss on the top of Ethan’s head. “Give me a moment, I’ll be back out once he’s tucked in,” I say to my brothers.
Ethan’s brushing his teeth when he looks at me seriously. He spits the toothpaste into the sink and says, “Mommy, did you see him?”
I make eye contact with my son through the mirror. His green eyes are large, full of concern and questions.
The last thing I want to do is discuss Alaric right now, especially not so soon after my other child Mia had so sweetly begged for a father.
I decide that changing the subject and deflecting is my best option squash Ethan’s questions. “I’ll tell you what I did see… I saw the doctors working so hard on your sister. They gave her the very best medicine and took excellent care of her.”
Ethan looks at me for a moment too long, like he can tell that I’m purposely avoiding his question. He finally decides to let it go, because he gets into his little bed without another mention of Alaric.
When I come back out to the living room, my brothers Aidan and Ryan are laughing together, recounting something funny that had happened to them earlier.
“And can you believe he actually asked to meet with Aylon?” Aidan asks with a laugh chuckle.
Chapter 0120
“What are you two up to now? More mischievous scheming?” I ask them in a light, half- joking tone.
“No,” Ryan responds immediately. When I arch my eyebrow at him, he adds, “Honest! We didn’t do anything this time.”
“Yeah, it’s not our fault that he’s so gullible!” Aidan says.
“Who? Who is so gullible?” I ask.
“Alaric! He’s demanding to have a meeting with Aylon Auburn,” Aidan can barely get the words out before another chuckle rips through him.
“Well he can demand all he wants. It’s not going to happen,” I say shortly, I grab the TV remote, “Anyway, let’s find a good movie to watch! Who’s turn is it to pick?”
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